Saturday, August 31, 2019
Parliamentary vs Presidential Governments
In a democratic government there are two most popular types of government: presidential and parliamentary. They are somewhat similar, but their branches, executive,legislative, and judicial, work differently and are responsible for quite different jobs. Most European countries run by the parliamentary systems, such as Britain, because it once was monarchy. Even now the Great Britain has a Queen Elizabeth II. Countries like the United States are ran by the presidential form of government.The most significant difference in the Parliamentary form of government versus the Presidential is that the president is both the chief executive and the head of state. The President has the power to veto laws, execute the instructions of Congress when it declares war, has the right to approve the treaties without the legislature's permission. The president has the right to deploy military, but cannot declare war. Parliamentary system divides the chief executive and the head of state into two separate offices.The chief executive is usually the Prime Minister and the head of state is the president. In Britain, for example, the chief executive is the Prime Minister, and the head of state is the queen Elizabeth II. The Prime Minister is usually the highest political authority in the country and is the head of the Cabinet, or the executive office. He does all the decision making, approves laws, nominates all the ministers and the Cabinet members, has authority to control all the governmental departments. another big difference between the two governments is how they get elected.In Presidential government, for example in the United States, the candidate for presidency is being elected by the Cabinet or the Senate, further to be selected by the votes of the nation. The Prime Minister, as in Britain, is elected by the Cabinet. People do not vote for him, but they do vote for the congressmen, who may soon become the Prime Minister. The President and the Prime Minister are both people wi th the most authorities in their country, and both can be dismissed at any point in time by the Cabinet.The Presidential system and the Parliamentary system differ in each country, because each country has its own constitution. For example in Great Brittan, the person with the most authority is the Prime Minister, but in Russia, it is the President, even thought Russia has a Prime Minister. The two democracies work the same way, only people with the same titles do different jobs, and people with similar jobs have a different title.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Ooad Design Specifications
Restaurant All-in-one Management System (RAMs) Design Specification with UML by Leung Chun Kit and Leung Ting Fong 03011720 and 03011739 (Group 22) COMP 2221 Lecturer: Prof. Jiming Liu December 4, 2004 I. Table of Content I. Table of Content1 II. Graphical Notion Used2 Notation of Use Case Diagram2 Notation of Class Diagram2 Notation of Sequence Diagram3 1. Use Case Diagram4 1. 1. Use Case Diagram of End User Acting with the RAMsystem4 2. Class Diagram5 2. 1. Class Diagram of RAMsystem5 3. Sequence Diagram6 3. 1. Sequence Diagram of staff6 3. 2. Sequence Diagram of manager8 3. 3. Sequence Diagram of administrator9II. Graphical Notion Used Notation of Use Case Diagram [pic] Notation of Class Diagram [pic] Notation of Sequence Diagram [pic] 1. Use Case Diagram 1. Use Case Diagram of End User Acting with the RAMsystem Description: End users(administrator, manager, staff) can perform ordering, editing ,checking and management function insider the RAMsystem. End user can use food ordering function and food editing function only bill had been created by user. Only manager can manage the duty roaster. No one can edit the database or checks the password database execpt the administrator. [pic] 2. Class Diagram 1.Class Diagram of RAMsystem Description: All user and database of RAMsystem is created by the administrator. Administrator can modify any of the data in the RAMsystem. Staff and manager can create or edit bill but only manager can edit duty roaster. Bill has id, date and cost. Each bill has a unique id. User can be categorized into 3 types, administrator, manager and staff. All users have their own unique id and password. Both the administrator and the other user can change their own password. However, administrator can change the password everyone. [pic] 3. Sequence Diagram 1. Sequence Diagram of staff Description:Staff can only add order, create bill, check bill. As well as edit the bill that responsible by he/she and check duty. [pic][pic] [pic] [pic] 2. Sequ ence Diagram of manager Description: Manager can do all the function which the staff has the right to do if. Furthermore, manager can edit any of the bills but not only that responsible by he/she. Also, manager can also manage duty roaster and check all the data in the database except the database that store the password. [pic] [pic] 3. Sequence Diagram of administrator Description: Administrator can do all the function of the RAMsystem including modify all of the databases. [pic]
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Globalization in My Community
Globalization can be described in a number of different ways; it can describe the empowerment of decision making of dominant nations at the expense of less powerful nations, it can be defined as a force for economic growth prosperity and democratic freedom; but most notably it’s the integration of economic, political, and cultural systems across the globe. Globalization involves the movement of people, goods, ideas and information throughout the world.It is known to be the intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa (Gibbens’ Globalization). In other words it’s a global domino effect of social, economical, governmental and communicative processes; for example a hotdog restaurant chain from the U. S. can be introduced to China, because of the unhealthy ingredients in their food this lead to an increase in obesity throughout their nation affecting their workforce.Due to the increase in health risk manufactures in China began to decline in production affecting other nations including the U. S. This is just one example of globalization, but the effects aren’t always negative their can also be positive influences as well but the outcomes can be rather unpredictable. Although relations between two trading nations can be mutually beneficial and positive it can still have a negative effect to another nation’s economy, culture, and/or commerce or vice versa.Globalization has helped shape the world to what it is now, a global chain of fast paced technological advancements devised and shared to improve multiple processes, lifestyles and livelihoods. My community is comprised of many ethnicities and multi-cultural backgrounds, I’m relatively new to the area but from what I have seen thus far showcases an incredible amount of potential for growth and employment. I’m formally a New Yorker who has fo und a new life in what’s known as the DMV (DC, Maryland, and Virginia).This area is driven predominately behind government contractual funding which is stimulating the economy and making it one of the most prosperous areas to earn a living. With global occurrences such as the war on terror, U. S. global interest, aiding foreign alliances and military expeditions it isn’t hard to conclude why this predominant military area is influenced by the amount of activity and funding that is developing this areas prosperity. I work as a government contractor for one of the agencies servicing the Department of Defense, having inside visibility sheds light on how the U. S. spends American tax dollars.When there is global situation whether it’s the deployment of a military task force, or responding to a global disaster, or political indifferences with other nations it results in America responding by either starting a government project or increasing the amount of activity fo r a current project to take action, aid and counter expected negative outcomes. This results in the government allocating millions of dollars and contracting the work out to government contractors such as Lockheed Martin or Northrop Grumman who then seeks qualified individuals to perform the duties and tasks required.This type of domino effect has improved the job market, quality of life, promoted growth, and has made this area virtually recession proof for individuals who possess the desired skill set. Nursing, finance/ accounting, security, business, engineering, logistics, and of course information technology are just some examples of specific desired skill set’s that has emerged during a starving recessed nation. A series of chain of events began to occur, home development projects in what use to be low income areas began to grow, construction improvement efforts went underway expanding roads to improve traffic flow, and businesses began to flourish.Recently this chain of event began a small migration of neighboring states along the east coast to seek better opportunities here in the DMV. According to the Census bureau Northern Virginia has reported an increase in population totaling 2. 62 million in 2010 which is a difference of 2. 12 million reported in 2000 (CRA Census Series). That’s a 23. 9 percent increase over a decade in just one section of the state; the state itself experienced a 54. 9 percent increase overall.Most notably Loudon county of Virginia reported the most significant increase, in 2000 the population was at 169,599 and in 2010 it more than doubled that number reaching 312,311; this reflects more than an 84 percent increase. These numbers are staggering but cannot be blamed all on the migration of neighboring states; there has also been a significant increase of undocumented and legal immigrant Hispanic presence that makes up much the figures presented above. Virginia is home to a large percent of immigrants who have come h ere due to natural and man-made isasters that have occurred in their former country and because of that they have received or are eligible for legal status through Temporary Protected Status (The Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce). Multinational corporation Nicholas Georgantzas, Giddens’ Globalization: Exploring Dynamic Implications, Fordham University, School of Business http://www. setav. org/ups/dosya/15100. pdf http://www. vahcc. com/? page=legislative_committe http://policy-cra. gmu. edu/census/Population%20Change%20in%20Northern%20Virginia. pdf
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Rio Tinto Plc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Rio Tinto Plc - Essay Example Japan will be importing huge amounts of aluminum, iron, and copper for its reconstruction projects. Three commodities which I liked from its product portfolio are gold, silver, and diamonds. The current price of gold in the international markets is $1452 per ounce (Goldprice, 2011). Diamonds have always been one of the most valuable stones in the world. Diamond jewelry can last a lifetime. There were other factors that attracted me towards selecting Rio Tinto as part of my portfolio. The firm had excellent revenues of $60,323 and net income of $14,324 in 2010. The net margin of the company is 23.74%. The company has a global workforce of 102,000 employees. The firm minimizes its risk by having a global operation located in Australia, North America, Asia, Europe and Southern Africa. The business risks of the company are also minimized by having a variety of products and working all sides of the mining industry supply chain. Two strengths of the company are its wide product range and strong market position. Two opportunities for the firm are the surging demand for gold and new investment and innovations. Throughout its history Rio Tinto has been known for its innovation in the mining industry. Rio Tinto is a solid investment that should pay off dividends both in t he short term and long term. HSBC Holdings Plc HSBC Holdings Plc is a banking and financial sector provider. The bank has an impressive customer portfolio of over 100 million customers worldwide. The company differentiates itself by providing a diverse range of banking and financial services. The firm has its corporate headquarters in London, United Kingdom. I liked the fact that the client base of the company included personal, commercial, corporate, and institutionalize investors. The firm has a network of 8000 offices across 88 countries. The banking industry has gone through a lot of changes since the global recession. The banks are now more risk averse which is a strategy that minimizes the risk of default on loans. Despite the losses that the industry incurred between 2007 and 2009 the banking industry had a solid recovery in 2010 (Plunkett Research, 2011). HSBC was one of the banks that were protected by the U.K. government during the recession. The fact that the government owns 41% of HSBC is an indicato r that the government will invest in HSBC to ensure its success. The global penetration of the company of having a physical presence in over 40% of the world’s countries is a good indicator of the success of the firm. Normally banks are more conservative in their selection of global expansion. The revenues of the company in 2010 were $62,096 million with net income of $5,834 million. The net margin off HSBC is 9.39%. The company has a global workforce of 289,435 employees. The market capitalization of the enterprise is $201,000 million. Two strengths of the bank are its strong capital base and brand perception. The company could take advantage of strategic acquisitions and growth by expansion in emerging markets. The firm could achieve significant growth by penetrating new locations. The favorable forecast for the industry was a factor that made me invest in HSBC. BT Group Plc BT Group Plc is a UK based communication company. The firm is considered one of the world’s l eading communication companies. BT has been able to penetrate the communications marketplace at over 170 countries around the world. The services offered by the company includ
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Great Depression and The New Deal Research Paper
Great Depression and The New Deal - Research Paper Example Later in 1935 the Social Security Act came into power, aiming to provide the disabled, old-age or surviving citizens with social insurance. The New Deal, though rather slowly, appeared to be working. As Robert Murphy writes, â€Å"Although still abysmal, the unemployment numbers finally began receding almost the moment Roosevelt took office. Other indicators of economic health, such as Gross National Product, also reversed their staggering decline.†(Murphy 12). It seemed, availability of public funds freed many people from starvation and despair. In one of the accounts of the Senate Committee on Manufacturers (1932), the Committee’s member exemplifies horrors of the Great Depression through recalling a woman who â€Å"borrowed 50 cents from a friend and bought stale bread for 3 and a half cents per loaf, and that is all they had for eleven days except for one or two meals†. His other examples include people picking up food that accidentally fell from the goods t rain, people starving for two days and finally feeding themselves with dandelions (Senate Committee on Manufacturers). The photo taken during the time of Great Depression illustrates how undernourished and emaciated people were in their efforts to earn at least a dollar or two (See Picture 1). But as soon as 1938 a new disaster struck. As there appeared to be a 3 per cent collapse within the economic output, the unemployment rate also soared to the yearly figure of 19 per cent. This came to be known as â€Å"depression within the Depression†(Murphy 13). Roosevelt’s New Deal turned out to be incapable of producing the expected full recovery. This view has been supported by professors Cole and Ohanian, the...The booming prosperity of the American economy in the 1920s suddenly collapsed due to unexpected stock market crash in 1929. For the decade that followed, the country found itself stuck in an unprecedented economic depression.Statistically, the unemployment rate in the United States soared as high as to 25 per cent (to compare: in 1929 it was just 3.2 per cent). Industrial figures were no better. For example, overall production within industries declined by a half with international trade decreasing by 30 per cent. Roosevelt that took the office in 1933, just at the peak of Great Depression, proposed the Americans â€Å"The New Deal†. It was a policy that aimed at ending Depression through extensive government intrusion. It suggested new legislation that increased the role of government in the life of the American society. The New Deal, though rather slowly, appeared to be working. As Robert Murphy writes, â€Å"Although still abysmal, the unemployment numbers finally began receding almost the moment Roosevelt took office. Other indicators of economic health, such as Gross National Product, also reversed their staggering decline.†. Interestingly, despite the fact that many modern historians are inclined to depict Roosevelt as a saver, and his New Deal policy as a successful recovery act, his close colleague and advisor Henry Morgenthau was known to think the opposite.
12 sentences on each of questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
12 sentences on each of questions - Essay Example They contained the subject of Dharma. The original formulation suggests four Ä Å›rama which are; the student, householder, renouncer and the hermit. By the virtue of being named as the Ä Å›rama, the four modes of life have their independent religious and social institutions. Furthermore, they were given their own legitimacy and theological valuation. This formulation posits the Ä Å›rama as mandatory modes of life which are suitable for various phases in the life of a human. The classical formulation eliminates the aspect of choice which was central in the original formulation. The Ä Å›ramas, in this case are converted to temporary periods as opposed to previously permanent vocations. Renunciation is the final phase which occupies a man’s life. As such, a person passes through different Ä Å›ramas in an orderly manner. This takes place at different times in a man’s life. The first phase begins when a boy undergoes verdict initiation. This is what is considered as entry into the Ä Å›ramas and the initiatory studentship is regarded as the first Ä Å›rama. This phase concludes with a ritual birth which indicates that the student can return to his parent’s home where he finds a partner. The â€Å"bare-bones†conception of Karma claims that right and wrong actions produce good and bad consequences for the agent who performs them. Many scholars have come to consensus to suggest that the theory of karma can be understood in terms of samskaras, which means dispositions or habits to repeat similar actions in the future. The contemporary interpretation of karma is that sankaras produce phala. The contemporary interpretation can be said to be plausible as a person needs not commit to the theory of Karma per se to admit that actions contribute to habits, some of which lead to success, others of which lead to failure. The affection can be expressed in both ways, i.e. as if God is one’s child or as if one is
Monday, August 26, 2019
Memory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Memory - Essay Example This is stored with the usage of three ways. First of all, the human mind changes matter into storage forms. This is done by integrating memory with known events which can be things are seen, heard or experienced. This method is referred to as encoding. The second step is storage whereby the human mind places information in the memory for storage. The final part is the ability of a human being to recall and recover the stored information in times of need that is when a person needs to utilize the memory. An interesting aspect of human memory which is unique to the human memory is that their memory functions as a multi unit. The three basic divisions include the sensory memory, the short term memory and the long term memory. The sensory memory is one which comes directly from the persons five senses. This memory is not very long lasting and stays for around 350 milliseconds. This memory does not possess ways for improvement. In 1960 an experiment was conducted by George Sperling to test this memory. According to the procedure a group of people was shown twelve letters arranged in three different rows. Different subjects were asked to repeat the different letters present in different rows. The subjects recalled what they saw but they could not remember it for a long time. The experiment suggested that the sensory memory got erased after some time and the maximum capacity of the sensory memory that a person could retain was around twelve letters. The short term memory is the next step which is reached when the events are moved from the sensory part to the area of realization and perception. This information is also short lived but the time duration of this memory is greater than that of the sensory memory. This time is around 30 seconds and this memory is used basically in short tasks. But this memory does have space for improvement by a method which is known as chunking. Chunking as the name implies means to break in to pieces. An
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Volumes Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Volumes - Lab Report Example Additionally, the data on the height and the diameter of the bullet shaped object was collected and tabulated. In the second experiment, the data on the sphere’s mass was collected as mass 1 to mass 5. The fourth experimental that was needed in the experiment was the diameter for the five spheres which were taken as diameter 1 to diameter 6 We took the density of the clay as Mass per Unit of Volume. The formula that was used in calculating this was with an SI unit of . In the experiment, the propagation of errors was calculated from the approach of partial derivatives. The formula for this was The standard errors for the experiment were demonstrated by . The standard error was obtained through the computation of standard deviation from the various measurement. We later calculated the standard deviation with the help of a graphical analysis program. The standard deviation was denoted as N is taken to mean the measurement’s number of x. x and y are taken to represent their mean values. The uncertainties in the end outcome were reported with one significant number. It was assumed that the final average value is equated to the number of decimal points found in the uncertainty. The equipment that were used in the experiment include; a plastic bag, hollow cylinder, bullet shaped object, Vernier’s calipers, balance, and a set of masses. In the first experiment we determined the volumes and the standard error for the hollow cylinder, bullet shaped object, and the triangle prism (Price, 889). The following equation was used to calculate the volume of the hollow cylinder The Vernier calipers was used to measure the pertinent dimension of the object. The dimension of the Vernier was 0.05mm. The five measurement of the provided object was measured. After taking the five measurement, the mean values for the dimensions were also determined. The standard deviations for the dimensions for the hollow cylinders was then determined. The
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Monitoring Risk Response Actions for Effective Project Risk Management Case Study
Monitoring Risk Response Actions for Effective Project Risk Management in Western Oceanography Institute - Case Study Example The explanation for the problem experienced by Dr. Simons geothermal assessment program would be that the program may not be compatible with the new system, thus it would be reconfigured otherwise, to become compatible, or a new program similar to that would be installed for his use. The problem that Young made is the failure to ensure perfect installation of electrical wiring, which contributed to the unnecessary delay. She also contributed to the problem by failing to investigate all the staff computers in advance, to ensure that sufficient space had been created, all unnecessary files removed and the necessary program reconfiguration is done, to ensure they were compatible with the new system. She could have managed the conversion better, by ensuring that all the necessary preparations were done well in advance, to prevent the unnecessary delays. She could have also managed it better by collaborating fully with all the staff and seeking their approval of the project (Kujawski, 361). This way, they would have taken it as their responsibility, to prepare all the requirements to have the project succeed. Collaboration and seeking approval of all the stakeholders in a project is essential for a project to succeed (Kujawski, 357).
Friday, August 23, 2019
Analizying Poems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Analizying Poems - Essay Example In sum, the poems sound like reminders for human beings to adjust their actions, perspectives and livelihoods in order for them to live in ways that are sensitive to some of the issues that lie hidden away from unperceiving eye, and which cause much of human suffering that is witnessed in the modern world. The Sound of Silence Garfunkel’s poem, â€Å"The Sound of Silence,†illustrates a moment of awakening for the speaker. In the first line, he refers to darkness as an â€Å"old friend,†(Garfunkel 1). The hidden meaning is that the speaker has lived with or in this darkness for a long time. Symbolically, this darkness represents ignorance and a general loss of direction and common sense. In a broad sense, this poem invites the readers to examine their own live in order to redeem themselves from systems of darkness, which systematically prevent them from the pleasures and joy of reality. In lines 12 and 13, the speaker talks of , â€Å"When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light/ That split the night,†(Garfunkel 12, 13). This moment appears to be the supreme moment of awakening. Symbolically, the darkness could imply the common misconceptions, prejudices, dogma, indoctrination and other kinds of information that cannot stand the test of credibility. Such systems have the effect of blinding humanity from the real truths. They are also the causes of suffering, conflicts, and other ills, which afflict societies. This poem is a mockery to the modern discourse of communication and human existence, which have eroded the natural sense of humanity. The poem relies significantly on figurative language to make meaning out of the many issues of general human interest. The poet directs the readers to some of the important issues that are often ignored by humanity in their rash to meet their daily needs. Generally, the poet seeks to remind humanity of some of the basic concerns that must be addressed in order for people to live in tot ality. By assigning the quality of sound to silence, the poet employs the technique of inversion and contrast to achieve his thematic objectives. Blowin’ in the Wind In the poem â€Å"Blowin’ in the Wind†the poet uses the technique of questioning to interrogate some of the weaknesses that prevent people from finding solutions to issues that appear to be quite ordinary. The question, â€Å"How many...?,†is repeated severally throughout the poem. At every instance, the question is directed towards a different subject, which, in essence, comprises the underlying themes in the poem. Such themes include death and suffering, negligence, loveless relations, reward, recognition and the permanence of phenomena. The persona delves into multiple issues that concern a range of subjects of human interest. In the first two lines, the poet appears to hint at the theme of human struggle: â€Å"How many roads must a man walk down/ Before you call him a man?†(Dyl an 1, 2). This line captures the futility of human efforts, which lead man to engage in multiple struggles, which are often poorly rewarded. This line reads like an indictment to the unfeeling world that fails to recognize the selfless struggles and sacrifice that some people engage into for the sake of improving the welfare of the society. This line could apply to themes of poor working conditions in the modern employment sector and other roles that fail to attract the necessary rewards and acknowledgement from people. The other question, â€Å"
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Statement of Intent Essay Example for Free
Statement of Intent Essay My interest in the Fashion Marketing program at Parsons, was innited in college during the time we were starting to study the different fields of marketing. Since I was little I’ve always had a very big interest in the fashion world, observing the different trends and how every country has different styles is fascinating for me. My biggest role model fashion wise is Oscar de la Renta, I identify myself with him because we come from from the same country where the fashion industry can still be considered in diapers. He has known how to overcome the many obstacles that have been presented to him throughout his career, obstacles like the lack of support at the beggining, or the credibility he had to win through his career. Marketing has become the biggest interest in my life, through out my career I have seen the difference that exists between some markets and others, this field is evolving and fashion is a inmense part of it. With the fashion marketing program I will learn the relation betweeen design, merchandising and marketing and how in the connection of these depends whether you succeed entering a market. After acquiring these knowledge my interest is merelly creating my own store, which has been my dream for a long time now. I consider I have an great eye for spotting new trends, and in my country people are very imposed to fashion because there are not a lot of options of where to shop, and with my store I could give them a new option. I believe Parsons is the best place to study, because of it’s amazing credentials aswell of the great curriculum it offers in Fashion Marketing and other areas. The profesors have been said to be the best in the world in there differente specialities, and I want to receive the best education and this way make me an Amazing Profesional. Aswell as it’s locations is a great factor, Parsons is located in what many would call the heart of fashion, is in those NYC streets that many trends come to life, and many new desginers become recognized. It’s fascinating mixture of cultures makes of it, the best place to learn how the fashion marketing world really works.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Research
Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Research Stem cell the new frontier of medical break through poses an important ethical dilemma for humanity do we support the destruction of embryos to further science or do we support the protection of embryos. We are faced with a critical decision to protect embryos from being a part of a science experiment or do we think that it is ethical to kill a few embryos in the name of science. I will discuss the pros and cons of stem cell research. I will discuss the positive outcomes associated with stem cell research from a medical aspect and the negative outcomes from a biological aspect. I will also argue for stem cell research and against stem cell research. What is Stem Cell Research? Stem cell research is the use of cells retrieved from embryos which are capable of becoming all or many of the 210 different types of tissues in the human body. Stem cells have traditionally been defined as not fully differentiated cells or tissue types. The use of these undifferentiated cells or tissues is used to replicate cells in the human body. These cells are from embryos fertilized between days 5-7 of human development. The cells are then retrieved from the embryo and used by researchers to replenish dying or damaged cells in the body. These cells show great promise to help solve medical illnesses and diseases. The argument we face with this type of research is the use of the embryo to harvest the stem cells from are the cells considered humans or just cells. Argument for and against Stem Cell Research The argument for stem cell research is medically motivated providing for potential cures to debilitating diseases. I consider stem cell the future of medicine by replicating cells and replenishing old cells we would then prolong human beings lives. The argument for science promoting the possibility of future cures and eradication of diseases is a compelling argument in itself. There are those that argue that embryonic stem cell research holds great promise for understanding and curing diabetes, Parkinsons disease, and spinal cord injury. Opponents argue that the research is unethical, because deriving the stem cells destroys the blastocyst, an unimplanted human embryo at the sixth to eight day of development. The moral question we are faced with is the unimplanted human embryo a human being or just a cell. They are those in the religious community that have moral belief that the embryo is a human being and by destroying the embryos in research is the equivalent of killing a child. T he notion that by destroying an embryo during research is the equivalent to killing a child is a ridiculous conclusion. We can compare the embryo to the skin cells that are alive on our bodies. When we shed these skin cells everyday during showers are we killing millions of potentially children by taking a shower. The belief that an embryo in such an early stage of development is considered a human being with out being implanted in the uterus does not pose a very strong argument in my opinion. The fact that this cell is never going to materialize into a human being and will never grow outside of an etri dish is enough evidence to allow stem cell research to continue. The claim an embryo outside of the uterus is a human is up for serious debate between those for and against stem cell research. Our beliefs may be deeply rooted in religion and our religion determines how we view stem cell research. Some may compare destroying an embryo to killing a child because of their religious beliefs. We all have our beliefs, that belief may be for stem cell research to further science or to limit stem cell research due to our religious convictions. We must put aside our religious convictions in order to further science research into finding cures for debilitating diseases. In order to further any science research we must sacrifice someone or something to reach our goal. We could have not found cures to diseases or create vaccines without having subjects to test these theories on. The fact that an embryo is used in these research procedures has made such a political and moral controversy a hot topic is no surprise. We have debated this issue because it is claimed that the embryo is morally equivalent to a person, a fully developed human being. Those that hold the view that the embryo is a human compare extracting the blastocyst is as morally abhorrent as harvesting organs from a baby to save other peoples lives. There are some that believe a human embryo is a human being just like you and me, and it deserves the same respect that our laws give to all of us. There are those that believe that an embryo is a human being and embryonic stem cell is immoral because it amounts to killing a person to treat other peoples diseases. Some base their belief on religious convictions that the soul enters the body at the moment of conception. While others defend there belief without religion by reasoning that human beings are not things. That their lives must not be sacrificed against their will even for the sake of good ends like saving other peoples lives. I agree that we are not things to be used for research and not considered to be humans, but in the same sense a cell is not a human until it grows in to a viable human being. The real question here is do we consider a cell to be a viable at such an early stage in development our religious beliefs may teach us a cell gets a soul upon conception. The idea that at the moment of conception the soul enters the body does not make the cell a viable human being and therefore this cell should not be considered to be a human being. The Pros and Cons of Stem Cell Research The pros of stem cell research are unlimited potential for possible cures to diseases such as Alzheimers disease, Parkinsons disease, diabetes, stroke, bone diseases, and screening drugs for pharmaceutical companies, instead of using animals to test drugs. The use of the stem cells to reproduce organ tissue and replenish cells has shown great promise for eliminating diseases for mankind. The possibilities of stem cell therapy are endless from cloning to reproducing spinal cord tissue. The use of stem cells to replicate human tissue and organs will help to prolong lives of human beings and possible slow down the aging process by replacing our cells. The cons of stem cell research are the use of stem cells and the ethical issues associated with using embryos to harvest cells for research. Another disadvantage of stem cell research is the idea that we as humans are on the verge of playing God by creating life. There are also issues with the stem cells having mutating and causing more harm than good. The research has shown possibility of the cells being cancerous in some cases and not growing into the desired organs. The destruction of life is most distinct disadvantage associated with stem cell research. Positive and Negative Outcomes of Stem Cell Research The positive outcomes of stem cell research are endless possibilities of curing a wide range of diseases processes and prolonging human life. The use of stem cells has been proven to replenish muscle and organ tissue in humans. Research has shown that the use of stem cells to treat Parkinsons and Alzheimers disease has significantly increased the functionality of the affected patient. Other patients have had success in replacing heart tissue from heart attacks and cancer patients now live symptom free from cancer. The negative aspect of stem cell research has been linked to how the cells are obtained and the morals issues surrounding them. Another negative outcome of the research is the cells often grow out of control into tumors and immune system sometimes rejects the cells. The use of the embryo to harvest the stem cells poses the most negative outcome of all with the belief that the embryos are human being and harvesting the cells destroys the cell therefore killing a human being. Conclusion Stem cell the new frontier of medical break through poses an important ethical dilemma for humanity do we support the destruction of embryos to further science or do we support the protection of embryos. The protection of the embryo from being destroyed for the advancement of science will ultimately put humanity at a loss by protecting a cell from destruction. The destruction of that same cell has the possibility of curing diseases and prolonging humanity for generations. We are ultimately stuck with the decision do we take a life in order to prolong future generations lifes by promoting science over humanity in order to further mankind. References A Kuflik (2008). The future like ours argument and human embryonic stem cell research. Journal of Medical Ethics, 34(6), 417. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from Research Library database. (Document ID: 1490151201). Bernard Lo, Arnold Kriegstein, Deborah Grady. (2008). Clinical trials in stem cell transplantation: guidelines for scientific and ethical review. Clinical Trials, 5(5), 517-22. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from Research Library database. (Document ID: 1563539701). Britain: Playing God; Religion and politics. (2008, March). The Economist, 386(8573), 40. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1454200351). Guido de Wert, Christine Mummery. (2003). Human embryonic stem cells: research, ethics and policy. Human Reproduction, 18(4), 672-82. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from Research Library database. (Document ID: 345544781). Ida M Jones (2007). PROPERTY LAW, PERSONHOOD AND ETHICS: STEM CELL RESEARCH ITS IMPACT ON PROPERTY LAW. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 10(1), 19-30. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1301953641). Insoo Hyun (2008). Stem Cells from Skin Cells: The Ethical Questions. The Hastings Center Report, 38(1), 20-2. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from Research Library database. (Document ID: 1431314801). R DiSilvestro (2008). A qualified endorsement of embryonic stem cell research, based on two widely shared beliefs about the brain-diseased patients such research might benefit. Journal of Medical Ethics, 34(7), 563. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from Research Library database. (Document ID: 1504043861). Robert Streiffer (2005). At the Edge of Humanity: Human Stem Cells, Chimeras, and Moral Status. Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, 15(4), 347-70. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 950255831). S Camporesi (2008). Reproductive cloning in humans and therapeutic cloning in primates: is the ethical debate catching up with the recent scientific advances? Journal of Medical Ethics, 34(9), 15. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from Research Library database. (Document ID: 1551813891). ( Ethics of Human Cloning and Stem Research. Retrieved November 14, 2008. Ethical concerns of using stem cells for medical treatments In the modern world there have been many diseases, illnesses and epidemics that have been avoided due to the development of technology. One of the most recent successful developments have involved the research into stem cells. Stem cells are cells which can specialize into many different types of cells, they are known as totipotent cells. Scientists have found that it is possible to harvest organs, such as, livers, hearts, and lungs. Or remake dead cells which have been deceased from various illnesses, such as dead brain cells, that could be re-grown and cure diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons. Some people may see this is a good thing as it could help many unfortunate people who have genuine diseases. But many people have raised ethical concerns about the research procedure involved. The procedure involves an embryos nucleus being taken out and replaced by the nucleus of the cells which need to be reproduced. This process is known as nuclear transfer. A very famous experiment conducted via nuclear transfer was the birth of Dolly the sheep; a mammary cell nucleus was taken and added to the embryo, which was then added to the uterus of a ewe and then in February 1997, Dollys mother gave birth. The cloning was successful but some people say she died at an early age because she was cloned, whilst others argue that she died because she was affected by the retrovirus JSRV. This is very common in sheep and causes many of them to die. Some people argue that using embryos is very unethical, as it involves tampering with Gods creations. Many people believe that embryos are human beings that also have rights and do not deserve to be killed or employed for medical reasons. Some people also argue that people may go too far with cloning, which may result in evil doings. Dr. Piete who is a member of the European Parliament stated, The cloning of embryos would be like a bursting damà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Once human embryos are cloned and used for the breeding of organs, there would immediately be attempts to go further. It is understandable why some people are afraid that along with a lot of help there may be risks of corruption. People may use the advances in stem cells to clone armies. Religions play a huge part in stem cell research. Most of them believe that killing or using an embryo is wrong because it means that a life is being taken. During a coalition of 11 religious leaders, it was concluded that, There is widespread agreement that the huge philosophical and ethical implications of these development have not been considered fully. The law protects an embryo/zygote after it has lived for 24 weeks. This law was introduced in 1990 and was known as the Human Fertilization and Embryology Act 1990. This is known as the final abortion date; you can not have an abortion after the 24th week. This is roughly half the life of the baby in the womb of the mother. Although people argue that there are bad sides to stem cells research, there are many people who believe that the benefits outweigh the detri ments. One must hold consideration for all the sufferers of; diabetes, Alzheimers, heart disease, Parkinsons, brain disease, as they are waiting for a cure and right now the only cure seems to be research into stem cells which can help many sufferers fight the disease and beat it. At the moment diabetes is a huge problem in England. Diabetes is associated with obesity, which is a current problem that could soon lead to a global epidemic. Obese people can now have the chance to fight diabetes with advances in stem cells research. A representative of the Parkinsons Research Interest Group states Those who oppose this development need to show good reason why people with chronic illnesses should be denied advances in medical treatments that would substantially improve their quality of life. This agrees with the idea that people who suffer from fatal diseases have the chance to live a healthy and normal life. As for the people who believe that embryos have the right to live and that we should no t use them for research into preventing diseases, I believe this is a matter of preferences. How can people put the feelings of a few embryos higher than the treatment of people with diseased lives? This is totally inhumane and is a crime against humanity. The embryos dont feel a thing when they are being used for research but a human feels a lot of physical and emotional pain when it is going through these fatal illnesses. I personally think that millions of humans have a higher priority than that of a few cells. Lord Hunt who is the junior Health Minister states, The embryo has a special status, and we owe a measure of respect to the embryo. But we also owe a measure of respect to the millions of people living with these devastating illnesses and the millions who have yet to show signs of them. This explains my views exactly and Professor Julia Polak who is the Director of the Tissue Engineering Centre in Hammersmith hospital London also says I may feel sorry about two or three ce lls but I also care about the millions of cells that are a human person. We should consider this matter logically and ethically. Fair enoughà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ the embryos deserve respect but one has to question whether their rights overcome the rights of the millions of sufferers out there in the world. Therefore, in conclusion, I believe that stem cell research should be carried out, but the security precautions that are to be implemented, should be handled appropriately and also the governments of the world should not allow the research to fall in the wrong hands. Stem Cell Research: Beneficial or Detrimental? The use of stem cell research has helped to make many progressions in the medical field and has helped save many peoples lives by treating and curing many diseases and other illnesses. If scientists continue to research the uses of stem cells, it could prove to improve life for all human beings. However, the end result of researching stem cells could be beneficial or detrimental to our society. While research on cord and adult stem cells could show to improve life for those who are in medical need, embryonic stem cell research requires a life to be taken so therefore should not be supported. What are stem cells? Stem cells can also be distinguished as differentiated cells. They are primal cells found in all multi-cellular organisms. They maintain the capability to renew themselves through mitotic cell division, and they have the ability to grow into almost any type of cell.# That is why they are so useful. Dead cells of almost any kind, regardless of what type of injury or disease, can be replaced with new healthy cells thanks to the remarkable flexibility of stem cells. So if the use of stem cells is such a breakthrough in the medical field, why should anyone be against it? The answer lies in where they come from. There are three main sources for acquiring stem cells: cord cells, embryonic cells, and adult cells. Cord cells are cells that can be taken from the umbilical cord at birth and can be stored and later on used as a type of insurance policy for the newborn for use in the future. Cord cells can also be used by close relatives such as the mother, father, siblings, or other people of close relationship. However, the more distant the relationship, the more likely it is that the cells will be rejected by the persons immune system and it will not work. Next, there are the adult stem cells. Research on adult stem cells has been around the longest and has proven to be the most useful and successful of the different types of stem cells. Adult stem cells are attained from living bone marrow, blood, body fat, brain tissue, and skin. In order to be distinguished as an adult stem cell, the cell has to have these two properties: 1) The ability to divide and create another cell similar to itself 2) The ability to divide and create a cell even more distinguished than itself. Although these stem cells are called adult stem cells, they can also be found in children. The use of adult stem cells has helped to save many peoples lives in the past and is still being proven to have therapeutic effects in cancer treatments, autoimmune diseases, leukemia, and heart disease today. Every year more and more of United States government funding is being provided for cord and adult stem cell research due to its many successes. The last type of stem cells are the embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are derived from human embryos. In order to harvest embryonic stem cells, an embryo must be destroyed. The reason why scientists are so interested in embryonic stem cells is because these cells can develop into each of the more than 200 cell types of the adult body when given sufficient and necessary stimulation for a specific cell type. However, after twenty years of research, there are still no approved treatments or human trials using embryonic stem cells. This means that they have the combined abilities of unlimited expansion and pluripotency, so because of this, embryonic stem cells remain a theoretically potential source for regenerative medicine and tissue replacement after injury or disease. What the Bible Says The Bible speaks concerning matters of stem cell research. In the Bible, there were many healers and physicians, and even Jesus healed some of the sick, wounded and diseased. And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with diverse diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatic, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them. Matthew 4 : 23-24 Therefore, many would see no reason to believe that research on cord or adult stem cells is wrong and would believe it is a legitimate field of study, well within the will of God. Many also believe that it is Gods will for us as children of God to try and help those in need, just as Jesus Christ did when he came to earth; so it would only be right for us to continue studying and researching the many uses and benefits that can be discovered using cord and adult stem cells. However, while the use of cord cells and adult stem cells do not require the destruction of a human life in order to be obtained, embryonic stem cells do. The biblical teaching is that human existence begins at conception. You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mothers womb. I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they are all written, the days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them. Psalm 139 : 13-16 The word of the Lord came to me thus: Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, Before you were born I dedicated you, A prophet to the nations I appointed you. Jeremiah 1: 4-5 Since nothing has been accomplished with the use of embryonic stem cells, its potential still remains untested. Even after twenty years of research, there are no approved treatments or human trials using embryonic stem cells. However, embryonic stem cells hold the most potential out of the three types of stem cells because you can get up to 150 cells from just one embryonic stem cell line; where you can get only a small number of the adult or cord cells. Their tendency to produce tumors and malignant carcinomas, cause transplant rejection, and form the wrong kinds of cells are just a few of the problems that embryonic stem cell researchers still face and are trying to overcome. Many nations currently have a suspension or a ban on either embryonic stem cell research or the production of new embryonic stem cell lines. Another reason why embryonic stem cell research is wrong is because in order to start a new embryonic stem cell line, therapeutic cloning may be required. The Government and Stem Cell Research The fact that this type of research is wrong has not gone unnoticed by the United States government. Steps have been taken to help stop embryonic stem cell research (although adult stem cell and cord cell research is widely supported). In 1995, President Bill Clinton signed into law the Dickey Amendment which prohibited all federal funding for research that resulted in the destruction of an embryo regardless of the source of that embryo. In the past 7 years, President George W. Bush has enacted numerous laws that restrict federally-funded stem cell research on embryonic stem cells to the already derived cell lines. Then, on July 19, 2006, he vetoed H.R. 810 (Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act), a bill that would have reversed the Clinton-era law which made it illegal for federal money to be used for research where stem cells are derived from the destruction of a human embryo.# Although the government prohibits federal and public funding of embryonic stem cell research, private funding is still legal. On February 16, 2007, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine became the biggest financial backer of embryonic stem cell research in the U.S. when they awarded nearly $45 million in research grants. Currently, if the United States decides to vote a Democrat into office, they will most likely be a supporter of stem cell research embryonic stem cell research included. However, if a Republican gets voted into office, such as McCain or Huckabee, they would be against embryonic stem cell research but would still support the research of the possibilities of adult stem cells and cord cells. The Future of Stem Cell Research Researchers and physicians are working to design stem cell therapies that are more effective and reduce the invasiveness and the risk to patients. Todays stem cell therapies usually rely on cells that are denoted by another person; this raises the possibility of donor cell rejection by the patients immune system. In the future, it may be possible for a person to use a sample of his or her own stem cells to regenerate tissue, which would reduce or even eliminate the danger of rejection. The only problem with this is that in order to use a sample of ones own stem cells, the process of cloning would have to be endorsed. There are a couple of verses in the Bible that speak against this. Know that the LORD Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves. Psalm 100:3 Thus says the LORD who made you and formed you from the womb, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I have formed you, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, and the one who formed you from the womb, I, the LORD, am the maker of all things, stretching out the heavens by Myself and spreading out the earth all alone. Isaiah 44:2, 21, 24 As you can see from these verses, the Bible states two main things that relates to cloning: 1) Life begins early in the womb. 2) God forms life. Because we are Gods creation and because we are created in His image (according to Genesis 1:26), life is precious. Much of the desire in the scientific community is to create clones for spare parts, to use their stem cells, organs, and so on. Although it sounds like cloning these things would be more beneficial than not, cloning even the smallest of parts would be devaluing natural human life. On the surface, the possibilities of stem cell therapies seem limitless. Would it be possible to use stem cell technologies to replace any diseased or damaged tissue in the body? To answer this question, researchers must figure out the true potential and limitations of stem cells. Researchers are asking themselves many questions, such as how long will a stem cell therapy last and can we ensure that stem cell therapies will not form tumors in the body. There are so many things we can do with stem cells that the opportunities to improve human life seem infinite. Stem cells have helped us in ways such as reversing cancer, developing cures for diabetes, replacing damaged organs and nerves, and much more. Stem cells today are being used to treat diseases such as leukemia. Stem cell transplant procedures also show promise for treating neurological disorders such as Parkinsons disease. In 2001, nearly 80,000 people needed organ transplants, fewer than 24,000 got them, and 6,000 died waiting. Of those receiving organs, 40 percent die within the first three years after surgery.# If we continue to fund stem cell research, being able to obtain an organ to save ones life would be much easier. For example, say a person is in need of a pancreas; just place your order, and three weeks later a new one lies ready and waiting in the surgical suite. Heart failure? No worries a few injections with multipotent stem cells will grow new cardiac tissue. It is statistics like these that draw us into the idea of stem cell research. In conclusion, one must really look at the facts to truly understand the true potential stem cell research holds for us for the future. One must use his own judgement to decide for himself whether he supports stem cell research or whether he believes it is immoral or unethical based on his own opinions and beliefs.
Critical Abstract-MacBeth :: essays research papers
I. â€Å"The Tragic Essence†by Margaret Webster II. Source: Class Handout III. â€Å"In MacBeth, the subtle power of darkness becomes all-pervading; it takes the form of â€Å"supernatural soliciting,†it employs â€Å"instruments of darkness,†it drenches the play in blackness and in blood, poisons the air with fear, preys on bloated and diseased imaginings, turns feasting to terror and the innocent sleep to nightmare, and employs a terrible irony of destruction in the accomplishment of its terrible irony of destruction in the accomplishment of its barren ends. Evil is alive of itself, a protagonist in its own right.†IV. There is a tradition among actors that tie in with MacBeth. Saying the name can be very unlucky. No other play has held such a fatal influence to actors than this one. The characters in this play had evil traits as well. Lady MacBeth was stripped of her feminine qualities to give her the will power to carry on the deed of killing Duncan. To do this, she called for evil spirits to enter her. The death of Duncan is a sign to the both of them that evil has taken control of their lives. It has become an overpowering force that they cannot control. MacBeth’s life becomes a living nightmare. He cannot stop killing people; he has become the slave to evil. The only connection left between MacBeth and his wife is the blood of the murdered. The last part of Lady MacBeth is filled with echoes, regardless of the sleepless nights. Fear has set in around the whole play. Everyone fears his or her lives. As the play comes closer to its end the spread of evil accelerates rapidly. The root to all evil of this play is connected with the witches. Their disgusting bodily features and appearances, their spells and the belief in witchery of the time give them a strong power. As superstitions have changed, so did the figureheads of evil in MacBeth. When Orson Welles did his Negro MacBeth, he used voodoo, which was perfectly equivalent. V. This thesis has a very true argument. MacBeth does hold a strong sense of superstition, evil, and blackness. Actors who have to act in MacBeth portray its superstition by never saying â€Å"MacBeth†unless it is necessary. Several times in her work she shows how evil slowly takes over the play.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Analysis of India in Comparative Politics Essay -- Compare Contrast Hi
Analysis of India in Comparative Politics Perhaps the most important issue to be addressed after the publication of this book is the dangerous climate that has risen in India. The debates over Kashmir, a small piece of territory both India and neighboring country Pakistan have been claiming since the 1940s, has heated up. The situation has grown to a point where the two nuclear powers have come the closest they have ever been to war, while the world holds its breath. When Great Britain gave India its independence in 1947, the subcontinent was split into Pakistan and India. Jammu and Kashmir (the area’s official name) was declared sovereign at first, but was eventually split between to two diverse countries. Since 1999, an increase in attacks in the Kashmir region by such methods as tanks and suicide bombers increased. This is has pleased neither India nor Pakistan, and in May 2002, the world watched as foreign peacemaking attempts were made to avoid nuclear war, the closest call since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. If war had happened, CNN estimated that an initial nuclear blast would kill as many as 12 million people, and Pakistan’s targets in India would have been India’s capital New Delhi and its largest city Bombay. 1 Though the fighting between India and Pakistan for Kashmir is as old as the countries’ independences, the renewed energy in fighting could prove devastating in the end. The situation has increased international participation. Pakistan President General Pervez Musharraf and India Prime Minister Biharia Vajpayee have been forced by international pressures to hold talks in the hopes of bringing peace to the nations. The conflict between the two countries and the interna... ...feld.kashmir/index.html 1 Cable News Network. â€Å"U.S. warns of doomsday scenario.†June 1, 2002. The Indian Express. Guatam Bhatia. â€Å"The city against itself.†July 1, 2002. India Mart. 1997-2002 trade policies. The (India) Tribune. Gaurav Choudhury. â€Å"Make private sector part of the delivery system; Competition vital for world class products.† The Milli Gazette. Rizwan Ullah. â€Å"Two-party system.†October 15, 2000. â€Å"The Success of India’s Democracy.†Ed. Atul Kohli. Cambridge University Press. 2001. Pages 1-3. Analysis of India in Comparative Politics Essay -- Compare Contrast Hi Analysis of India in Comparative Politics Perhaps the most important issue to be addressed after the publication of this book is the dangerous climate that has risen in India. The debates over Kashmir, a small piece of territory both India and neighboring country Pakistan have been claiming since the 1940s, has heated up. The situation has grown to a point where the two nuclear powers have come the closest they have ever been to war, while the world holds its breath. When Great Britain gave India its independence in 1947, the subcontinent was split into Pakistan and India. Jammu and Kashmir (the area’s official name) was declared sovereign at first, but was eventually split between to two diverse countries. Since 1999, an increase in attacks in the Kashmir region by such methods as tanks and suicide bombers increased. This is has pleased neither India nor Pakistan, and in May 2002, the world watched as foreign peacemaking attempts were made to avoid nuclear war, the closest call since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. If war had happened, CNN estimated that an initial nuclear blast would kill as many as 12 million people, and Pakistan’s targets in India would have been India’s capital New Delhi and its largest city Bombay. 1 Though the fighting between India and Pakistan for Kashmir is as old as the countries’ independences, the renewed energy in fighting could prove devastating in the end. The situation has increased international participation. Pakistan President General Pervez Musharraf and India Prime Minister Biharia Vajpayee have been forced by international pressures to hold talks in the hopes of bringing peace to the nations. The conflict between the two countries and the interna... ...feld.kashmir/index.html 1 Cable News Network. â€Å"U.S. warns of doomsday scenario.†June 1, 2002. The Indian Express. Guatam Bhatia. â€Å"The city against itself.†July 1, 2002. India Mart. 1997-2002 trade policies. The (India) Tribune. Gaurav Choudhury. â€Å"Make private sector part of the delivery system; Competition vital for world class products.† The Milli Gazette. Rizwan Ullah. â€Å"Two-party system.†October 15, 2000. â€Å"The Success of India’s Democracy.†Ed. Atul Kohli. Cambridge University Press. 2001. Pages 1-3.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Free College Admissions Essays: Summer Camp Entrepreneur :: College Admissions Essays
Summer Camp Entrepreneur The first wedding that I planned was in no way a traditional wedding. Ten eager little girls decorated the printed invitations with sequins, buttons, and markers. The same energetic hands prepared the wedding feast, consisting of bagged lunches, blintz soufflé, and of course a layer cake. On the big day I looked around with excitement. Again, I noticed something odd about this wedding. All the participants and guests appeared about four feet high. The "groom" had long hair pinned up with brown lines on her face (was that supposed to be a beard?) The wedding location, a back yard with a swing set and a wading pool, seemed far from romantic. This wedding however was not supposed to be one of those types of weddings. As I pressed the "PLAY" button on the tape recorder I knew that ten 4-6-year-old girls cared deeply about this wedding. Despite the absence of a reason for celebration, I pulled all the girls into the circle and we started dancing and clapping to the music. The energ y that went into the preparation on previous days could finally be appreciated. My campers and I not only celebrated the accomplishment of the mock wedding, we celebrated the fun and excitement we experienced for the first three weeks in Camp Glitter Girls. I had begun preparing for Camp Glitter Girls over four months before by budgeting, sending out fliers, confirming registration and finally making sure that every camper would have the time of her life. As I danced, I celebrated the times I almost lost my patience but didn't, the times that I planned activities late into the night because I knew that only an organized schedule would ensure the success of my camp. The lessons I had learned from previous summer camps contributed greatly to this camp's success. At the age of thirteen, I first ran a camp for eight children. The next year a friend and I co-managed a camp for twenty children at a small school campus. Finally at the age of fifteen I created my most challenging summer camp with thirty-five children. In just three years the size of my camp tripled and so did the life lessons. I not only carried the responsibility for my own "bunk," but with my co-manager I hired other counselors, arranged busing to and from field trips, managed a $15,000 budget, and ensured that thirty-five children had a fun summer.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Importance of Military Rules and Regulations
Why it is important to Obey Military Rules and Regulation Military discipline and effectiveness is built on the foundation of obedience to orders. Recruits are taught to obey, immediately and without question, orders from their superiors, right from day-one of boot camp. Which is why we work so well by following orders from the more experienced leaders who have been doing this for years. We have plenty of obedience in Charlie company and I feel it is one of the best units I have been in. It has made me want to persue a carreer in the military and I no rules and regulations is what is going to make me move up the ranks and make me a all around better soldier. I no I need to work on discapile sometimes and am doing corrective training right now to make me become a better sodier. So in my essay I have listed many chararistics which in the history and present day made what the army is today. I feel the army values have a big role in rules and regulations because if you follow the values you will not stray off in being disobedient. It's very important to follow directions, or else the world would be in chaos. When some tells you that you must follow directions so that everything can go in an orderly fashion, it's important do because they know what's going to happen if you don't. It's important to follow directions because if you don't something can go wrong, it's important follow directions because if you don't you'll get in trouble, and it's also important to follow directions because if you don't you'll be writing this essay too. It's important to follow directions because if you don't something can go wrong. If you decide to cross the street and someone tells you not to, their telling you for a reason, maybe so that you won't get hit by a car or get shot at in a drive by shooting. It's important follow directions because if you don't you'll get in trouble. If you decide to cross the street after they told you not to, you'll suffer the consequences. In this case the consequences is getting hit by a car our getting shot in a drive by shooting. If you don't suffer the consequences that way you'll suffer another way. Finally, it's important to follow directions because if you don't you'll be writing this essay too. If you didn't suffer the consequences by getting shot at or getting ran over, you'll suffer by writing this essay. By writing this essay you'll be missing many important television shows. Even if you weren't talking in class while taking the test, because you we're the last one taking the test, you'll have to write this essay too. In the end, it's important to follow directions, because if you don't something can go wrong. They're telling you to listen to them for a reason, because they probably know more than you do. It's important follow directions because if you don't you'll get in trouble. You might get hit by a car while crossing the street or get shot at in a drive by shooting. It's also important to follow directions because if you don't you'll be writing this essay too. By writing an essay like this on, it will take up you're time and you'll miss a lot of your favorite television shows. SO FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. When one enlists in the United States Military, active duty or reserve, they take the following oath: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Officers, upon commission, swear to the following: I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. Military members who fail to obey the lawful orders of their superiors risk serious consequences. Article 90 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) makes it a crime for a military member to WILLFULLY disobey a superior commissioned officer. Article 91 makes it a crime to WILLFULLY disobey a superior Noncommissioned or Warrant Officer. Article 92 makes it a crime to disobey any lawful order (the disobedience does not have to be â€Å"willful†under this article). In fact, under Article 90, during times of war, a military member who willfully disobeys a superior commissioned officer can be sentenced to death. The importance of rules and regulations in the military are there so a soldier knows how to act and behave while in the military. We have rules and regulations to instill upon a soldier how to properly conduct him/herself while in the military uniform. We are put on a higher pedestal than civilians at all times. We are to behave in a different manner than anybody. We are to at all times conduct ourselves in ways that most people would not understand. The rules and regulations are put out so that we know what we can and cannot do at all times. We are to behave at all times in a professional manner and dress properly. The Army is a uniformed service where discipline is judged, in part, by the manner in which a soldier wears a prescribed uniform, as well as by the individual’s personal appearance. Therefore, a neat and well-groomed appearance by all soldiers is fundamental to the Army and contributes to building the pride and esprit essential to an effective military force. A vital ingredient of the Army’s strength and military effectiveness is the pride and self-discipline that American soldiers bring to their Service through a conservative military image. So we are to uphold an image that makes us stand out and look professional at all times. On duty and off duty. Our hair is to be groomed and be in a well kept manner also. Males hair is to be kept short and not touching the ears or touching the collar. The hair on top of the head must be neatly groomed. The length and bulk of the hair may not be excessive or present a ragged, unkempt, or extreme appearance. The hair must present a tapered appearance. A tapered appearance is one where the outline of the soldier’s hair conforms to the shape of the head, curving inward to the natural termination point at the base of the neck. When the hair is combed, it will not fall over the ears or eyebrows, or touch the collar, except for the closely cut hair at the back of the neck. Males will keep sideburns neatly trimmed. Sideburns may not be flared; the base of the sideburn will be a clean shaven, horizontal line. Sideburns will not extend below the lowest part of the exterior ear opening. all clothing will have a proper fit and always be in a serviceable manner at all times. We will maintain a high standard of dress and appearance. Uniforms will fit properly; trousers, pants, or skirts should not fit tightly; and personnel must keep uniforms clean and serviceable and press them as necessary. Soldiers must project a military image that leaves no doubt that they live by a common military standard and are responsible to military order and discipline. Soldiers will ensure that articles carried in pockets do not protrude from the pocket or present a bulky appearance. The trousers are to have a proper fit and not to look baggy. This uniform is designed to fit loosely; alterations to make the uniform fit tightly are not authorized. A tight fit reduces the airflow needed for ventilation and cooling. The coat is worn outside the trousers. Soldiers will not wear a belt with this uniform. Soldiers will wear the trousers bloused, using the draw cords or blousing rubbers, if the trousers are not tucked into the boots. Personnel will not wrap the trouser legs around the leg tightly enough to present a straight appearance. Soldiers will not blouse the boots so that the trouser leg extends down to the ankle area. When bloused, the trousers should not extend below the third eyelet from the top of the boot. So that is an example of how a soldier is to look at all times. We are to maintain a proper appearance at all times. This goes to show how the military works. If we did not have rules and regulations, we would not have a proper working military. We have rules and regulations for a reason, they are there so a soldier knows how to act and dress at all times. Also we are to conduct ourselves in a different way when we are at war too. There is a such thing as rules of engagement. It states that we are not engage upon enemies unless engaged upon first. It has to be the same amount of force as the enemy has used. If they shoot, we are allowed to return fire. But, if they throw rocks and other objects then all we are allowed to do is yell at them. If we did not have that rule we would be using force that is not necessary. We would shoot or kill people that that does not deserve to be shot or killed. If that was the case we would be a Hitlerism nation. We would not care how we won a war or who we had to kill to get to that point. We have rules and regulations on how to keep clean in the field. That’s one regulation you do not want to disobey. It says that if you do not take care of yourself, your living area, or your food, you can get very sick. Your water can start to grow bacteria and different kinds of fungus. Not to mention that if you do no wash your self good enough, you can get some crazy infections. I am surprised that there is not a regulation on how to breath properly on a daily basis. But I would not be either. The regulations are put out there so every one knows what the military life is supposed to like. We have to abide by them at all times day in day out. To me the rules and regulations are to be enforced so that no body is messing up and always in the right. Plus, if there is some thing that you get questioned on, then you can pull up the ar670-1. Like here is a story for you; I had a lt. colonel tell me that I was out of regulations to wear a thumb ring. I told that it was authorized to wear because according to ar670-1 paragraph 14 sub B it states that your authorized to wear two rings. One on each hand, and a wedding set (a bridal set) counts as one. But it does not state that you can or cannot have a ring on your thumb. And also my First sergeant told me that we were not allowed to wear a bracelet. Well I looked it up and come to find out that you are not authorized to wear a bracelet unless it is an identifying bracelet. So I found a loop hole, I made a bracelet with a dog tag on it. Now I was in regulation. Then there is a hair color regulation too. It says that you are not authorized to color your hair unless it is a natural color. Your not allowed to have weird colors like pink or bright red. This one girl got an article 15 for having three different colors in her hair and for destruction to government property. If that is the case then we should not be allowed to have tattoos, because your putting permanent markings on your body. And, also females should not be able to get piercings, because they are causing permanent damage to there bodies. But that is the way the military works. We have to follow the regulations regardless if we agree with them or not. Good leadership promotes professionalismâ€â€a relation of standards, involving quality of life, service, discipline and total commitment to our Army and the United States of America. This really sucks because they know that I’m not going to be able to get ten thousand words on one subject. Now if it was like three or more I am sure that it would not be to hard. Seems like pretty good motivation to obey any order you're given, right? Nope. These articles require the obedience of LAWFUL orders. An order which is unlawful not only does not need to be obeyed, but obeying such an order can result in criminal prosecution of the one who obeys it. Military courts have long held that military members are accountable for their actions even while following orders  if the order was illegal. â€Å"I was only following orders,†has been unsuccessfully used as a legal defense in hundreds of cases (probably most notably by Nazi leaders at the Nuremberg tribunals following World War II). The defense didn't work for them, nor has it worked in hundreds of cases since. The first recorded case of a United States Military officer using the â€Å"I was only following orders†defense dates back to 1799. During the War with France, Congress passed a law making it permissible to seize ships bound to any French Port. However, when President John Adams wrote the order to authorize the U. S. Navy to do so, he wrote that Navy ships were authorized to seize any vessel bound for a French port, or traveling from a French port. Pursuant to the President's instructions, a U. S. Navy captain seized a Danish Ship (the Flying Fish), which was en route from a French Port. The owners of the ship sued the Navy captain in U. S. maritime court for trespass. They won, and the United States Supreme Court upheld the decision. The U. S. Supreme Court held that Navy commanders â€Å"act at their own peril†when obeying presidential orders when such orders are illegal. The Vietnam War presented the United States military courts with more cases of the â€Å"I was only following orders†defense than any previous conflict. The decisions during these cases reaffirmed that following manifestly illegal orders is not a viable defense from criminal prosecution. In United States v. Keenan, the accused (Keenan) was found guilty of murder after he obeyed in order to shoot and kill an elderly Vietnamese citizen. The Court of Military Appeals held that â€Å"the justification for acts done pursuant to orders does not exist if the order was of such a nature that a man of ordinary sense and understanding would know it to be illegal. †(Interestingly, the soldier who gave Keenan the order, Corporal Luczko, was acquitted by reason of insanity). Probably the most famous case of the â€Å"I was only following orders†defense was the court-martial (and conviction for premeditated murder) of First Lieutenant William Calley for his part in the My Lai Massacre on March 16, 1968. The military court rejected Calley's argument of obeying the order of his superiors. On March 29, 1971, Calley was sentenced to life in prison. However, the public outcry in the United States following this very publicized and controversial trial was such that President Nixon granted him clemency. Calley wound up spending 3 1/2 years under house arrest at Fort Benning Georgia, where a federal judge ultimately ordered his release. In 2004, the military began court-martials of several military members deployed to Iraq for mistreating prisoners and detainees. Several members claimed that they were only following the orders of military intelligence officials. Unfortunately (for them), that defense won't fly. The mistreatment of prisoners is a crime under both international law, and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (see Article 93  Cruelty and Maltreatment). It's clear, under military law, that military members can be held accountable for crimes committed under the guise of â€Å"obeying orders,†and there is no requirement to obey orders which are unlawful. However, here's the rub: A military member disobeys such orders at his/her own peril. Ultimately, it's not whether or not the military member thinks the order is illegal or unlawful, it's whether military superiors (and courts) think the order was illegal or unlawful. Take the case of Michael New. In 1995, Spec-4 Michael New was serving with the 1/15 Battalion of the 3rd infantry Division of the U. S. Army at Schweinfurt, Germany. When assigned as part of a multi-national peacekeeping mission about to be deployed to Macedonia, Spec-4 New and the other soldiers in his unit were ordered to wear United Nations (U. N. ) Helmets and arm bands. New refused the order, contending that it was an illegal order. New's superiors disagreed. Ultimately, so did the court-martial panel. New was found guilty of disobeying a lawful order and sentenced to a bad conduct discharge. The Army Court of Criminal Appeals upheld the conviction, as did the Court of Appeals of the Armed Forces. What about an order to participate in a dangerous mission? Can the military legally order one to go on a â€Å"suicide mission? †You bet they can. In October 2004, the Army announced that they it were investigating up to 19 members of a platoon from the 343rd Quartermaster Company based in Rock Hill, South Carolina, for refusing to transport supplies in a dangerous area of Iraq. According to family members, some of the troops thought the mission was â€Å"too dangerous†because their vehicles were unarmored (or had little armor), and the route they were scheduled to take is one of the most dangerous in Iraq. According to reports, these members simply failed to show up for the pre-departure briefing for the mission. Can they be punished for this? They certainly can. An order to perform a dangerous mission is lawful, because it's not an order to commit a crime. Under current law, and the Manual for Courts-Martial, â€Å"An order requiring the performance of a military duty r act may be inferred to be lawful and it is disobeyed at the peril of the subordinate. This inference does not apply to a patently illegal order, such as one that directs the commission of a crime. †In fact, if it can be shown that one or more of the soldiers influenced others to disobey, they may find the crime of Mutiny, under Article 94 added to the list of charges. Mutiny carries the death penalty, even in â€Å"peace time. †, to obey, or not to obey? It depends on the order. Military members disobey orders at their own risk. They also obey orders at their own risk. An order to commit a crime is unlawful. An order to perform a military duty, no matter how dangerous is lawful, as long as it doesn't involve commission of a crime. Military Discipline is a state of order and obedience existing within a command. It involves the ready subordination of the will of the individual for the good of the group. Military discipline is an extension and specialized application of the discipline demands habitual but reasoned obedience that preserves initiative and functions unfalteringly even in the absence of the commander. Discipline is created within a command by instilling a sense of confidence and responsibility in each individual. Discipline demands correct performance of duty. The need for discipline is best inculcated in individual by appealing to his sense of reason. In the few instances where appeal to reason fail, the use of punishment is effective in causing a recalcitrant individual to conform and perhaps appreciate the need for discipline. Condemnation and earned praise from senior to his subordinate, either individually or collectively, for tasks well done serve to strengthen the disciplinary bonds which bind together the smooth functioning team. Max Anders says, â€Å"Only the disciplined ever get really good at anything. Everything in life requires some sort of discipline. Whether it is hitting a baseball, climbing a mountain, playing a musical instrument, making good grades or brushing your teeth it all comes down to a matter of discipline. â€Å"The core of a soldier is moral discipline. It is intertwined with the discipline of physical and mental achievem.. The Army is an old institution. In th is country it dates back to the Washington’s time in 1775â€â€76 when the Revolutionary War took place to proclaim our freedom from the British. One particular thing which Washington’s Army had in common with our modern Army today is discipline. This is very important in order to keep our forces organized. A wellâ€â€disciplined army will always come out the victor in battle. Take a look at Musolini’s army in Italy in the last War. When the going got tough, their troops got disorganized, failed to obey orders, and finally decided it was time to surrender. And so it happened with Hitler’s Third Reich. His troops got disorganized from the lack of proper discipline and as the proverb goes, â€Å"United We Stand, Divided We Fall†. The Third Reich fell. Our American Army is a wellâ€â€organized fighting force and always will be, with the proper kind of discipline which we have now. The officers in charge of each Army, Corps, Division, Regiment, down to the Platoon and Squad are all experienced, levelâ€â€headed men and women, whose job it is to keep the men and women under them disciplined as well as informed as to what is going on and thereby gaining the men's and women's cooperation. From the fiveâ€â€star General down to the â€Å"lowly†Private, it is his duty to see that whatever his job is, it will be done properly. With such a fighting force, how can we lose? Remember, â€Å"United We Stand, Divided We Fall†. We SHALL NOT Fall. It is so that you know what you are allowed to do and not to do, and to maintain control. It is the same in life, they call that the law. To me I joined the military because I was ture to the oath Bear true faith and allegiance to the U. S. Constitution, the Army, your unit and other Soldiers. Bearing true faith and allegiance is a matter of believing in and devoting yourself to something or someone. A loyal Soldier is one who supports the leadership and stands up for fellow Soldiers. By wearing the uniform of the U. S. Army you are expressing your loyalty. And by doing your share, you show your loyalty to your unit. Face fear, danger or adversity (physical or moral). Personal courage has long been associated with our Army. With physical courage, it is a matter of enduring physical duress and at times risking personal safety. Facing moral fear or adversity may be a long, slow process of continuing forward on the right path, especially if taking those actions is not popular with others. You can build your personal courage by daily standing up for and acting upon the things that you know are honorable that a potential Soldier should understand the basics about service before they enlist. if it appeals to you! What it Means to be a Soldier Serving in the Army is a life-changing experienceâ€â€and a serious commitment. So it stands to reason The Army is an elite group of warriors who dedicate a portion of their time to serving their nation. Each state has its own Guard, as required by the Constitution; in fact, it is the only branch of the military whose What is existence is actually required by the Constitution. Review all of our info about the National Guard and see Nation The first and foremost responsibility will be protecting and defending American interests. This may mean deployment out of state or overseas. If they’re called up, they'll be ready. Community Nearly 400 years ago, the Guard mobilized for the first time to help neighbors in times of need. This is still our main role: helping the community during natural disasters and civil emergencies. Qualifications Physical fitness, age, education, height and weight are the primary factors that determine whether a would-be member can join the Guard. Visit our Standards page for more information. Where Do They Serve? Usually, a Soldier serves where they live. There's a National Guard in all 50 American states, as well as in the four territories, so typically, they'll live at home and drill once a month at the nearest armory. If mobilized by the federal government, they may serve out of state or overseas. Three to six years is typical but length of service depends on the enlistment option they chose at the time of enlistment. College, career and other personal commitments are also factors, but I plan to make a carreer out of the military so rules and regulations are very important to me, There is a long and noble history of the United States Army serving at home and abroad to ensure the safety and freedom of their fellow citizens. They have combated natural disasters, supported Army troops and, when called upon, borne arms against their nation’s enemies. Proud Soldier Since 1636, the army has brought glory and honor upon itself and its soldiers through quiet and selfless service. Do you think you have what it takes to be a member of this select group? In the army you become a Soldier. What does it mean to be a Soldier? It’s being a part of noble tradition of service extending back almost 400 years. It means you become a member of the best trained, best equipped, and most respected military force in history. It means you will make a difference and follow commands of others. Following Orders The importance of following orders cannot be emphasized enough. In the military world this is key to mission success. When a competent authority issues an order, it is issued with the understanding that subordinates will carry out that order, effectively and efficiently. When or where that order is issued does not make a difference on the importance of that order. The orders issued in garrison are just as important as the ones being issued in a combat zone. It is important that the order be understood and done when told to, to avoid further problems. Military discipline and effectiveness is built on the foundation of obedience to orders. Recruits are taught to obey, immediately and without question, orders from their superiors, right from day one of boot camp. Military members who fail to obey the lawful orders of their superiors risk serious consequences. Article 90 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) makes it a crime for a military member to willfully disobey a superior commissioned officer. Article 91 makes it a crime to willfully disobey a superior Noncommissioned or Warrant Officer. Article 92 makes it a crime to disobey any lawful order (the disobedience does not have to be â€Å"willful†under this article). In fact, under Article 90, during times of war, a military member who willfully disobeys a superior commissioned officer can be sentenced to death. These articles require the obedience of lawful orders. An order which is unlawful not only does not need to be obeyed, but obeying such an order can result in criminal prosecution of the one who obeys it. Military courts have long held that military members are accountable for their actions even while following orders, even if the order was illegal. Orders can have a variety of purposes, most of which builds discipline. Whether a Marine is told to clean the head or to bring in gear, the orders given are to instill good character in the Marines. When it comes down to it, there are orders issued for almost everything in the military. Since this practice is so frequent, Marines have learned to make it part of their instinct to follow orders when given. It is written in the promotion warrants that subordinates will render obedience to orders given from superiors, so it is difficult to say that Marines are not reminded of it. Following orders can apply to almost everything you do in life. Everyone follows orders, even the Commandant. So if a four star General has to follow orders, its automatic that everyone below him must do the same. Even before you join the military following orders is part of life. In school the teachers give orders to students, it may not be the same as the military but they are orders. Listening to your parents when they told you to do something was following orders. Sometimes it is hard to cope with the orders that are given, but the judgment of those issuing orders needs to be trusted. I think following direct orders is important because for starters nothing would ever get done because everyone would gaf everyone else off and it might not sound that bad but if you were to put the scenario into a combat situation marines would die all because someone didn’t follow a direct order, for instance if you were told to hold a position with your marines and you moved anyway’s you could cost everyone their lives and loose a war. To obey someone means to comply with or fulfill the commands, restrictions, wishes, or instructions of that specific person. We are taught as children to obey our higher-ups. Starting from our parents, teachers, managers, police officers and so on. So how does this relate to the military? Well, when a person enlists in the United States Military, they take the following oath; â€Å"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Right there you are making a promise to the United States Military. Before you even put on the uniform, you promise you’ll obey the orders of the President and the orders of the officers appointed over you. Military discipline and effectiveness is built on the foundation of obedience to orders. Brand new privates are taught to obey, immediately and without question, orders from their superiors, right f rom the start. Almost any devil can tell you that obedience was drilled into their heads at one point or another. For example, no talking on the phone while walking, don’t put your hands in your pockets, and stand a parade rest. Those are just the simple orders you are made to obey in the military. Greater orders mean bigger consequences. Military members who fail to obey the lawful orders of their superiors risk serious consequences. I know that knowing the rules and regulations is what is going to make me move up the rank and make me a all around better marine. I need to work on discipline sometimes and am going to correct my unacceptable behavior . So in my essay I have listed many characteristics and examples of how following orders is important. I feel the Marine Corps values have a big role in rules and regulations because if you follow the values you will not have as difficult a time in the corps It's very important to follow directions, or else the world would be in chaos. When someone tells you that you must follow directions so that everything can go in an orderly fashion, it's important to do so because they know what's going to happen if you don't. It's important to follow directions because if you don't something can go wrong, it's important follow directions because if you don't you'll get in trouble, and it's also important to follow directions because if you don't you'll be writing this essay too. If you decide to cross the street and someone tells you not to, their telling you for a reason, maybe so that you won't get hit by a car or get shot at in a drive by shooting. It's important follow directions because if you don't you'll get in trouble. Thank you very much for taking time to read my essay on following orders.
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