Friday, September 4, 2020
A Difficult Child
In spite of their parents’ extraordinary endeavors, these youngsters are hard to manage and to raise. During the years, people’s supposition about youngsters who face difficulties in controlling their emotions and conduct has moved starting with one perspective then onto the next. From one viewpoint, the fault was put on guardians †by one way or another it was their deficiency that their kids act up. In the event that guardians were additionally getting, patient and mindful, at that point their kids would be acceptable. This view didn’t bode well to numerous guardians and even put them to a circular drive, in light of the fact that their child rearing worked for one of their youngsters, however not for other. Then again, the specialists came to accept that troublesome kids resemble this due to their natural cosmetics, they are essentially brought into the world with specific qualities, and it isn't their issue. Touchiness, lack of concern, fastidiousness or forcefulness in youngsters is viewed as a major aspect of their inclination, and guardians must choose the option to figure out how to live with such characteristics in their kid. Comparable paper: Having Children While Young It's a given that, managing troublesome youngsters isn’t a simple undertaking and changes to positive side require quite a while. Truth be told, the more seasoned they develop, the more defiant they are probably going to become, that’s why it’s imperative to recognize the troubles in the childhood of the youngster at his initial age. Additionally, guardians identify with their kids can have a colossal effect in how adolescents feel about themselves and react to their condition. Consequently, guardians ought to become child’s backing and support. Kids learn by model, they ingest all the data like wipes and the most ideal approach to advance great propensities and conduct is by rehearsing guardians without anyone else. One increasingly indispensable point for guardians is to be progressively engaged with child’s life, it implies that relatives ought to consistently keep a solid relationship with the child and make a solace level that will empower him discover family members supportive and consoling. The last, however not less huge perspective is settling on kid answerable for his choices and decisions, there ought to consistently be a result of each activity, fortunate or unfortunate. This will make him answerable for all that he does and will require a decent measure of deduction before any move is made. I’d like to finish up by saying that â€Å"a troublesome child†isn't an ailment or clinical analysis, troublesome youngsters are typical, they can get constructive, excited, maybe even particularly innovative people in the event that they are all around oversaw when youthful, just as rewarded with most consideration and love, from guardians, relatives, family members, instructors or some other individuals around them. A Difficult Child In spite of their parents’ extraordinary endeavors, these kids are hard to manage and to raise. During the years, people’s assessment about kids who face difficulties in controlling their sentiments and conduct has moved starting with one perspective then onto the next. From one perspective, the fault was put on guardians †some way or another it was their shortcoming that their youngsters get out of hand. In the event that guardians were all the more getting, patient and mindful, at that point their kids would be acceptable. This view didn’t bode well to numerous guardians and even put them to a circular drive, in light of the fact that their child rearing worked for one of their kids, however not for other. Then again, the specialists came to accept that troublesome kids resemble this in light of their intrinsic cosmetics, they are basically brought into the world with specific qualities, and it isn't their issue. Crabbiness, impassion, particularity or forcefulness in kids is viewed as a feature of their tendency, and guardians must choose the option to figure out how to live with such qualities in their youngster. Comparable exposition: Having Children While Young It's implied that, managing troublesome youngsters isn’t a simple errand and changes to positive side require quite a while. Truth be told, the more seasoned they develop, the more defiant they are probably going to become, that’s why it’s critical to observe the challenges in the childhood of the youngster at his initial age. In addition, guardians identify with their kids can have an immense effect in how adolescents feel about themselves and react to their condition. Accordingly, guardians ought to become child’s backing and support. Youngsters learn by model, they retain all the data like wipes and the most ideal approach to advance great propensities and conduct is by rehearsing guardians without anyone else. One progressively imperative point for guardians is to be increasingly engaged with child’s life, it implies that relatives ought to consistently keep a sound connection with the child and make a solace level that will empower him discover family members supportive and consoling. The last, yet not less noteworthy viewpoint is settling on youngster answerable for his choices and decisions, there ought to consistently be an outcome of each activity, fortunate or unfortunate. This will make him liable for all that he does and will require a decent measure of deduction before any move is made. I’d like to finish up by saying that â€Å"a troublesome child†isn't an ailment or clinical conclusion, troublesome kids are typical, they can get constructive, eager, maybe even particularly imaginative people in the event that they are very much overseen when youthful, just as rewarded with most consideration and love, from guardians, relatives, family members, instructors or some other individuals around them.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Lying to an Nco
I am going to discuss in this article is the seven armed force esteems and the significance of them to the military. In the US armed force we are educated to live by the Seven Army Values. They are separated to us in the abbreviation â€Å"LDRSHIP†. Reliability â€Å"Bear genuine confidence and devotion to the U. S. constitution, the Army, and different officers. †Duty â€Å" Fulfill you commitments. †Respect â€Å" Treat individuals as they ought to be dealt with . †Selfless Service â€Å" Put the government assistance of the country, the Army and your subordinates over your own. †Honor â€Å" Live up to the military qualities. †Integrity â€Å"Do what is correct legitimately and ethically. furthermore, Personal Courage â€Å" Face dread, threat or difficulty (physical or moral). †We are totally penetrated on these seven armed force esteems from the very beginning of fundamental preparing. First we submit them to memory. At that point we figure out how to live by them. Lying is viewed in the public eye as one of the most beguiling and unforgiving acts known to man. The definition alone says a lot with regards to why an individual, or an entire country so far as that is concerned, would think about this demonstration of ineptitude in such a negative vision. To lie intends to offer a false expression with the aim to beguile, as per the Webster’s dictionary.It likewise intends to just make a bogus or deluding proclamation intentionally. There are likewise numerous equivalents to the word â€Å"lie,†, for example, lie, hedge, palter, and lie. The word lie happens to be the most obtuse of this gathering. â€Å"Prevaricate†mellow the obtuseness of a lie by suggesting quibbling or befuddling the issue. â€Å"Equivocate†suggests utilizing words having more than one sense trying to state a certain something however to mean another. This is an endeavor to misdirect one without feeling a s though one has lied. â€Å"Palter†suggests offering inconsistent expressions of certainty or aim or unscrupulous guarantees. Fib†applies to a recounting an insignificant untruth.This is generally utilized while portraying â€Å"small lies. †People, for a wide plenty of reasons, lie. The most widely recognized explanation is for one’s individual increase. As kids, individuals discover that a basic falsehood will get you in the clear or it will help in a manner. falsehoods can be utilized coincidentally and without information on the announcement in any event, being an untruth. In any case, lying isn't suitable, regardless of whether it was accidental, and the liar ought to apologize properly when they are trapped in a lie.When an individual retreats to deceiving others they are just misleading themselves. An individual that is deceptive once will as a rule lie over and over and numerous callings have created notorieties as having an incredible lion's s hare of liars in their field, which has prompted issues of open trust, even with those that are honest and fair. So for what reason do individuals decide to lie? A falsehood for the most part begins as guiltless in nature yet should be secured with a bigger increasingly complex untruth and afterward another and soon the untruths develop to a point that the individual no longer knows the distinction between what is valid and what is a lie.Telling lies consistently prompts duplicity; absence of trust, losing regard and as a rule the passing of a vocation. In the military, a non-authorized official, or a NCO, is an enrolled individual from an outfitted power who has been given authority by a charged official, ordinarily a sergeant or corporal. Being a private, they are of higher position and merit a higher measure of regard. While misleading anybody is inadmissible, deceiving an individual of higher position, similar to a NCO, is even less satisfactory. In addition to the fact that it gives off the feeling that the individual of lesser position doesn't regard his older folks, however it likewise debases the private's trustworthiness.Trust is everything. Without trust, we would not have the option to make a beeline for the fight to come realizing that my confidants will consistently have my back. Without trust, we can't regard each other. Obligation to me is achieving an errand that should be done, regardless of how much you’d rather be accomplishing something different. Regardless of whether you love it or loathe it, the undertaking is there to be finished. On the off chance that one doesn't satisfy their obligations all the time, at that point everyone around them need to get a move on, and any feeling of dependability starts to become tarnished.Everyone needs to be regarded, it’s in our tendency, however so as to acquire regard, as a matter of first importance one needs to regard oneself. Second, one needs to demonstrate regard to others so as to pick up regard from them. On the off chance that one doesn’t demonstrate regard to somebody, that individual may frequently feel insulted and lose regard for the individual who insulted them. Benevolent Service is the demonstration of playing out an assistance without anticipating any kind of close to home addition. One does the administration to assist others, and out of the integrity of their heart or even out of a feeling of faithfulness to that individual or those people.When things put their best self forward, these are the individuals that you respect. At the point when things look their most exceedingly terrible, these are the individuals that you implore are close by. On the off chance that the seven armed force esteems resembled a flight of stairs or a pyramid, at that point Honor would be at the top advance. It takes every one of the seven of the military qualities and more to have a decent feeling of respect. Military bearing, otherwise called military control, is a condition of request and submission contained inside an order. This condition of request includes collaboration by the desire of an individual, and for the prosperity of their team.Military discipline is a specific use of constant order requests given by an officer of directing position, yet is a condition of acquiescence that adheres to guidelines and capacities even without an authority, and notwithstanding difficulty. It is a direct result of our organization’s need to keep up a condition of consistent request that lying can not, must not, and will not go on without serious consequences. I plan to one day have the option to utilize the exercises gained from my slip-ups for instance for future fighters that may one day fall into my position.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The benefits of Massage on depression and anxiety Research Paper
The advantages of Massage on discouragement and nervousness - Research Paper Example There are differing schools of back rub, which yields different types of back rub. Back rub advisors regularly join a few procedures, albeit a few specialists (perfectionists) stick to one technique. There are a few sorts of back rub, for example, fragrance based treatment, reflexology, shiatsu rub, unwinding rub, and healing back rub. Profound tissue rub for the most part uses improved strain to arrive at more profound degrees of muscles (Karen et al. 442). Shiatsu rub additionally utilizes profound weight, while neuromuscular back rub utilizes solid strain to weaknesses (trigger focuses). There are a few speculations that endeavor to clarify how back rub may function; in any case, none of the propelled hypotheses has satisfactorily been end up being valid (Field et al. 125). Some back rub specialists and back rub treatment schools attest that back rub separates calcium stores inside the muscle; notwithstanding, there is no target approval of this declaration. A few types of back rub, for example, pressure point massage, reflexology, and Rolfing Structural Integration have expound speculations behind them, yet there exists no logical proof to back the hypotheses (Dryden and Moyer 94). Another propelled clarification subtleties that back rub encourages recuperating by decreasing the occurrence of stress and achieving unwinding. Back rub likewise delights the fundamental human should be contacted. Back rub treatment remains prevalently utilized to assuage solid pressure and convey unwinding. Back rub is touted to be useful as a guide in the treatment of a wide assortment of conditions, for example, a lack of ability to concentrate consistently scatter (ADD), mental imbalance, asthma, skin inflammation, low back agony, neck torment, spinal string injury, and bedsores. Despite the fact that there is an assortment of proof calling attention to that back rub might be useful for differing types of clinical purposes, the proof on the viability of back rub isn't solid (Dryden and Moyer 95). A few reasons can be refered to for this, with the most exceptional being that even with
The Driving Age In Tennessee Essay Research free essay sample
The Driving Age In Tennessee Essay, Research Paper The Driving Age in Tennessee The incautious age ought to be raised to the age of 18 for some grounds. The gathering of individuals at most elevated risk for holding a fender bender are the individuals who are 16 mature ages old enough. Numerous mishaps inside this age gathering can be ascribed to immatureness, obliviousness, and insufficiency of experience. Issues, for example, these can only be amended by clasp and better guidance. In the first place, most sixteen-year-olds lack the adulthood to hold a hazardous obligation, for example, driving. Albeit a few teenagers are totally equipped for assuming the obligation of driving at 16, one must take into history the full age bunch so as to do a decent assurance. Development advances with maturing. Sadly, most sixteen-year-olds have non yet gained the adulthood important to capably drive an vehicle. Second, obliviousness causes numerous sixteen-year-olds to be not ready for driving. The preliminary provided so as to have a driver s permit is inconsistent. We will compose a custom article test on The Driving Age In Tennessee Essay Research or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page All things being equal, it is simply the youths obligation to instruct on the most proficient method to conventionally partition the course with others. Once more, most sixteen-year-olds inadequacy the psychological finding to the full instruct themselves and comprehend the obligation of drive. Third, sixteen-year-olds inadequacy an adequate entirety of experience to drive without help. Most youths have been driving only a restricted clasp before they get their permit. More example is required for sixteen-year-olds to be comfortable with everything that driving a vehicle envelops. Experience is the vast majority of import aspect of drive, and it can simply be gotten through clasp and example. Sixteen-year-olds, overall, ought to non be permitted to drive a vehicle under the present guidelines and rules set Out to have a permit. They are non full grown or instructed satisfactory and miss the essential experience to drive dependably in our general public today. Numerous different states have set their drive ages to eighteen, yet the glad American culture of today has decided to dismiss the incalculable occupations with its new drivers. On the off chance that the drive age was raised to eighteen, and new guidelines and mandates were ordered, a significant number of the occupations related with juvenile drivers would unquestionably vanish.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Trench Foot and Trench Rats free essay sample
Associated men were influenced. Whale oil assumed an essential job in limiting the condition yet even so somewhere in the range of 74,000 Allied soldiers had been beset before the finish of the war. In Flanders and France channels were delved in land that was regularly at or close to the ocean level and where the water table was Just underneath the dirt surface. After two or three feet of burrowing the fighters definitely hit water and the channels got overwhelmed. To exacerbate the situation, the substantial mounted guns blasts estroyed the horticultural land-channels and the entire scene turned into an ocean of mud in which men could actually suffocate. Conditions were apparently best case scenario at the clash of Passchendaele in the Ypres striking. The photo, taken on November fourteenth 1917, shows Private Reginald Le Brun and different individuals from the sixteenth Canadian Machine Gun Company in the hold line at Passchendaele. Nightfall and long periods of remaining in splashing wet socks and boots, Trench Foot would start to set in. We will compose a custom article test on Channel Foot and Trench Rats or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The mens feet would grow and go numb and afterward the skin would begin to turn red or lue. Untreated feet quickly got gangrenous and would should be removed. The feet in the photo have a place with a grievous, however obscure, Canadian fighter struck down in 1917. To limit the odds of reaching Trench Foot, the men were requested to change into dry socks as frequently as could be expected under the circumstances. Around 1916, John Logie Baird began to sell socks arranged with borax to help mitigate the issues of wet feet. These were generally utilized by troopers at the front. The troopers were additionally trained to oil every others feet with whale oil in any event once per day. It is assessed that a unit (1007 men and 30 officials) at the front would utilize around ten gallons of whale oil each day. Channel rodents Rats earthy colored and dark flourished truly in their millions among channels in many Fronts of the war fundamentally the Western Front. Channel conditions were perfect for rodents. Void food jars were heaped in their thousands all through No Mans Land, hurled over the top every day. Beside taking care of from decaying food littered in such jars, rodents would attack dove outs looking for food and safe house. Most warriors who erved on the Western Front would later review how rodents developed in intensity, taking food that had been lain down for Just a couple of seconds. Rodents would likewise creep over the substance of dozing men As they pigged out themselves on food so they developed, with numerous rodents report-edly developing to the size of felines. George Coppard, reviewed the incessant shaking of tin jars during the night, the sound of rodents continually ferreting in No Mans Land. Anyway the component which caused aversion among warriors was the information that rodents transparently benefited from the rotting survives from friends murdered while dvancing over No Mans Land. Assaulting and eating the eyes of cadaver first, rodents would consistently work their way through the rest of the body in a short space of different methods for managing the rodent issue. Despite the fact that taking shots at rodents was carefully disallowed it being viewed as a futile misuse of am-ammo numerous fighters by the by went after close by rodents thusly. Assaulting rodents with pikes was likewise normal. Anyway the rodent populace was not discernibly lessened by such methods a couple of rodents was equipped for delivering somewhere in the range of 800 posterity inside a solitary year.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
The Role Your Diet Is Playing in Your Panic Attacks
The Role Your Diet Is Playing in Your Panic Attacks Panic Disorder Coping Print The Role Your Diet Is Playing in Your Panic Attacks By Sheryl Ankrom linkedin Sheryl Ankrom is a clinical professional counselor and nationally certified clinical mental health counselor specializing in anxiety disorders. Learn about our editorial policy Sheryl Ankrom Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Daniel B. Block, MD on November 26, 2019 twitter linkedin Daniel B. Block, MD, is an award-winning, board-certified psychiatrist who operates a private practice in Pennsylvania. Learn about our Medical Review Board Daniel B. Block, MD Updated on January 03, 2020 PeopleImages / Getty Images More in Panic Disorder Coping Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Related Conditions Is your diet causing your panic attacks? Studies have shown that people with panic disorder are more sensitive to certain substances than people without the disorder. When people with panic disorder consume these substances, they experience increased anxiety or a panic attack. Get the facts about both known and suspected triggers for such episodes. Caffeine in Your Diet and Panic Attacks Many people enjoy their morning cup of coffee or a midday soft drink. Caffeine is effective when you need a boost because it is a central nervous system stimulant.?? But if you have panic disorder, this stimulant effect may be contributing to your symptoms. Studies have shown that administering equal amounts of caffeine to individuals with panic disorder and to those without caused increased panic and anxiety in the former while producing no symptoms in the latter.?? Caffeine may occur naturally in a product, such as coffee, or it may be added by a manufacturer to enhance flavor. Some over-the-counter and prescription medications also contain caffeine to enhance their effects. Common items that may contain caffeine include: CoffeeTeaSoft drinks or sodasChocolateSome cold remediesSome pain relievers If you have been consuming caffeine regularly or in large amounts, stopping abruptly may cause some withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms may include headaches, irritability, anxiety, and mood swings. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned about these side effects. What to Expect From Caffeine Withdrawal Alcohol People drink alcohol to relax and calm down. But alcohol causes sugar fluctuations and increased lactic acid buildup in the blood. Both of these can cause increased anxiety, irritability, and disturbed sleep patterns. If you are having difficulty eliminating alcohol from your life, talk to your doctor or counselor. If you can easily eliminate alcohol from your routine on your own, you may be looking for alternative ways to relax or calm down. Exercise, guided visualization, and meditation are all healthful ways to reduce stress. Writing in a journal, talk therapy, or joining a support group may also prove helpful to you. The Risks of Using Alcohol to Relieve Anxiety Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Some experts believe that monosodium glutamate (MSG) can trigger panic attacks in some people. MSG is a flavor enhancer that is commonly added to our food supply. Many Asian foods, soups, meats, frozen dinners, and others contain MSG. Did MSG From Your Take-Out Food Cause a Headache? Refined Sugar A diet high in refined sugar is indicated in a variety of mood disturbances and decreased energy. This is believed to be caused by the release of insulin quickly decreasing blood glucose when large amounts of sugar are consumed. This causes a blood sugar crash or hypoglycemia, which is a state of low blood sugar. High sugar diets can also cause lactic acid to build up in the blood. By maintaining a healthy diet, you may be able to decrease significantly, or even eliminate, many panic attack triggers. In addition, you’ll enjoy the added benefits of increased energy and better health. Using a Healthy Diet and Exercise for Reducing Anxiety
Thursday, June 25, 2020
The Analysis of Twelfth Night Essay - 1650 Words
The Analysis of Twelfth Night (Book Review Sample) Content: Name:Instructor: Course:Date: The Analysis of Twelfth Night General Overview of Shakespeares CreationThe oeuvre of the great English dramatist William Shakespeare coincides with one of the most fascinating pages of the history of European Culture, the Revival of Learning. That is the period between XVI and XVII centuries in England.The human being, dowered with brilliant talents, was given the central position under Renaissance era. The individuals soul, body, thoughts, conducts all were considered to be glorious or pressing to it. That was the basis of the art of the classical studies that time. Consequently, the view on life, there and then, was characterized to the pursuance of self-actualization, the treatment of both self-importance and the self-belief as well as active position towards the achievement of ones goals. Twelfth Night is one of the best comedies of body of William Shakespeares work. It was penned at the end of the optimistic period of his creations, which is referred to 1600 year by researchers. The Setting, Plot and the CharactersThe first cluster centers on the Illyrias ducal, which encompasses Duke Orsino and his staff. Countess Olivia, the primary subject of the first scene, also belongs to the authorities. After the shipwreck, the victims make up the second division. The major characters in the class include the twins, Sebastian and Viola, the captain of the damaged vessel and Antonio the pirate. The third bunch is the collection of tricksters and pranksters that feature Fabian, Sir Andrew Aguecheek, Maria, Sir Toby Belch and Feste the Clown. The author drafts to create a classic love mesh between Maria Olivia, a Countess of Illyria, Duke Orsino and Viola, who simulates a handsome servant Cesario, a survivor of a sea cruise accident. Although the principal theme of the plot is to vindicate that love can induce agony and torment, victims intend to gain an enormous bliss out of it.Major Themes of the PlotThe romance theme dominates the narrative, as much as love interconnects the players. Count Orsino desires to marry Olivia while she adores Cesario, actually Viola who just changed her clothes to manlike, and who is the administrators messenger at the country. The drama describes a happy finale, as couples find each other and say "I do" in bliss. However, the author illustrates that love is a source of pain. Noble Orsino has workers, power and honor that earn him respect in Illyria. He has wealth and high social status, which make his soul appear contended, as one is when happy. Unfortunately, he hurts inwardly because of his target bride Olivia, who turns him down. He confesses Cesario to fall in love at the first sight. Shakespeare delineates it as follows, O, when mine eyes did see Olivia first, / Methought she purged the air of pestilence! / That instant was I turnd into a hart; / And my/ desires, like fell and cruel hounds, / Eer [ever] since pursue me (Shakespeare 5). Being the possessive cha racter, Lady Olivia puts effort to impress her mate. She blatantly reveals to Cesario her wishes for tying the knot, Unless the master were the man. How now! / Even so quickly may one catch the plague? / Methinks I feel this youths perfections / With an invisible and subtle stealth / To creep in at mine eyes. Well, let it be. / What ho, Malvolio (Shakespeare 27).The aristocratic description of Countess infatuation towards Cesario, being a real plague, makes her be soft on him, as if under a mysterious universes force.At the same time, it seems as if Viola has composed something while being under the guise of Cesario. Viola also struggles to suppress the exposing her true feelings towards the boss Orsino. My state is desperate for my masters love (Shakespeare 43).The simulating of a man caused a lot of challenges to Viola. The Analyses of the Scene that Occurs at the Chapter FiveChapter five of the Twelfth Night recapitulates the prime theme of the play as it confirms that love i s a source of both bliss and pain. The other focal point in the Shakespeares masterpiece is highlighted in the following act. Antonio, who is apprehended by the law enforcers for fighting with Sir Andrew (Chapter 3), brings back there. He shares his friend the bitterness of his soul after having broken the law when trying to protect him from bullies. Antonio, being the friend of Violas brother, mixes her with his fellow, as the woman tricks everybody of being a man. Additionally, Cesario embarrasses him, after he states that he neither knows the suspect, nor has his wallet. , other words, he does not deal with the accident. The pain of reminder is apparent because he treats Viola to be Sebastian. The robber presumes that he denies him for personal gain. He reprimands viola furiously.His life I gave him and did thereto add / My love, without retention or restraint,/ All his in dedication; for his sake / Did I expose myself, pure for his love, / Into the danger of this adverse town; / Drew to defend him when he was beset: / Where being apprehended, his false cunning, / Not meaning to partake with me in danger, / Taught him to face me out of his acquaintance (Shakespeare 132).Sebastian would like to turn back the hands of time and retrieve her brother sister Viola from ruin when they suffer shipwreck. He loves his sibling; that he convinces his fugitive friend to take him to the city. Antonio accompanies him to the town where he is a wanted criminal. He intends to stay indoors where he is safe from coming across people who know he is a thug. However, he exposes his identity in order to defend Viola, whom he mistakes for Sebastian, after he finds some bullies tormenting her. "the brother from his tormentors, but she claims that they have not met previously. The pirate curses Viola because he mistakes her for Sebastian. The authors message here is to display again the entire disadvantage of love; but this time of the fraternal affection, the other kind of it. The thief argues that he deserves Noble Orsinos mercy because he shows mercy and love to his servant Cesario after the vessels accident. However, the Aristocrat hurts his feelings, he commands his security to take him away.Here comes the countess: now heaven / walks on earth. / But for thee, fellow; fellow, thy words are madness: / Three months this youth hath tended upon me; (Shakespeare 132).Orsino communicates the adorable Olivia, trying to impress her. Nevertheless, she appears unenthusiastic towards him, and more than this, she arrogantly expresses her romance obsession with his messenger CÃ ©sar. The Countess egotism enrages the Duke. He is confident that they could be happy, since they both come from imperial families. As a result, he boasts that Olivia cannot find a partner who will love her as much as he does. Furthermore, he pleads for accepting his proposal, promising to dedicate entirely his love to her.What, to perverseness? you uncivil lady, / To whose ingrate and unausp icious altars /My soul the faithfullst offerings hath breathed out / That eer devotion tenderd! What shall I do? (Shakespeare 133). Orsinos diction and disappointment after Lady Olivia reject him betrays the pain love causes him. Luckily, his frustration ends soon after realizing that Cesario was a woman, and she was head over heels in love with him. For the time she stays with the Duke, her heartaches for circumstances confine her in the man Cesario that will not her woo the nobleman. The pain goes away after she reveals her identity. Immediately,... The Analysis of Twelfth Night Essay - 1650 Words The Analysis of Twelfth Night (Book Review Sample) Content: Name:Instructor: Course:Date: The Analysis of Twelfth Night General Overview of Shakespeares CreationThe oeuvre of the great English dramatist William Shakespeare coincides with one of the most fascinating pages of the history of European Culture, the Revival of Learning. That is the period between XVI and XVII centuries in England.The human being, dowered with brilliant talents, was given the central position under Renaissance era. The individuals soul, body, thoughts, conducts all were considered to be glorious or pressing to it. That was the basis of the art of the classical studies that time. Consequently, the view on life, there and then, was characterized to the pursuance of self-actualization, the treatment of both self-importance and the self-belief as well as active position towards the achievement of ones goals. Twelfth Night is one of the best comedies of body of William Shakespeares work. It was penned at the end of the optimistic period of his creations, which is referred to 1600 year by researchers. The Setting, Plot and the CharactersThe first cluster centers on the Illyrias ducal, which encompasses Duke Orsino and his staff. Countess Olivia, the primary subject of the first scene, also belongs to the authorities. After the shipwreck, the victims make up the second division. The major characters in the class include the twins, Sebastian and Viola, the captain of the damaged vessel and Antonio the pirate. The third bunch is the collection of tricksters and pranksters that feature Fabian, Sir Andrew Aguecheek, Maria, Sir Toby Belch and Feste the Clown. The author drafts to create a classic love mesh between Maria Olivia, a Countess of Illyria, Duke Orsino and Viola, who simulates a handsome servant Cesario, a survivor of a sea cruise accident. Although the principal theme of the plot is to vindicate that love can induce agony and torment, victims intend to gain an enormous bliss out of it.Major Themes of the PlotThe romance theme dominates the narrative, as much as love interconnects the players. Count Orsino desires to marry Olivia while she adores Cesario, actually Viola who just changed her clothes to manlike, and who is the administrators messenger at the country. The drama describes a happy finale, as couples find each other and say "I do" in bliss. However, the author illustrates that love is a source of pain. Noble Orsino has workers, power and honor that earn him respect in Illyria. He has wealth and high social status, which make his soul appear contended, as one is when happy. Unfortunately, he hurts inwardly because of his target bride Olivia, who turns him down. He confesses Cesario to fall in love at the first sight. Shakespeare delineates it as follows, O, when mine eyes did see Olivia first, / Methought she purged the air of pestilence! / That instant was I turnd into a hart; / And my/ desires, like fell and cruel hounds, / Eer [ever] since pursue me (Shakespeare 5). Being the possessive cha racter, Lady Olivia puts effort to impress her mate. She blatantly reveals to Cesario her wishes for tying the knot, Unless the master were the man. How now! / Even so quickly may one catch the plague? / Methinks I feel this youths perfections / With an invisible and subtle stealth / To creep in at mine eyes. Well, let it be. / What ho, Malvolio (Shakespeare 27).The aristocratic description of Countess infatuation towards Cesario, being a real plague, makes her be soft on him, as if under a mysterious universes force.At the same time, it seems as if Viola has composed something while being under the guise of Cesario. Viola also struggles to suppress the exposing her true feelings towards the boss Orsino. My state is desperate for my masters love (Shakespeare 43).The simulating of a man caused a lot of challenges to Viola. The Analyses of the Scene that Occurs at the Chapter FiveChapter five of the Twelfth Night recapitulates the prime theme of the play as it confirms that love i s a source of both bliss and pain. The other focal point in the Shakespeares masterpiece is highlighted in the following act. Antonio, who is apprehended by the law enforcers for fighting with Sir Andrew (Chapter 3), brings back there. He shares his friend the bitterness of his soul after having broken the law when trying to protect him from bullies. Antonio, being the friend of Violas brother, mixes her with his fellow, as the woman tricks everybody of being a man. Additionally, Cesario embarrasses him, after he states that he neither knows the suspect, nor has his wallet. , other words, he does not deal with the accident. The pain of reminder is apparent because he treats Viola to be Sebastian. The robber presumes that he denies him for personal gain. He reprimands viola furiously.His life I gave him and did thereto add / My love, without retention or restraint,/ All his in dedication; for his sake / Did I expose myself, pure for his love, / Into the danger of this adverse town; / Drew to defend him when he was beset: / Where being apprehended, his false cunning, / Not meaning to partake with me in danger, / Taught him to face me out of his acquaintance (Shakespeare 132).Sebastian would like to turn back the hands of time and retrieve her brother sister Viola from ruin when they suffer shipwreck. He loves his sibling; that he convinces his fugitive friend to take him to the city. Antonio accompanies him to the town where he is a wanted criminal. He intends to stay indoors where he is safe from coming across people who know he is a thug. However, he exposes his identity in order to defend Viola, whom he mistakes for Sebastian, after he finds some bullies tormenting her. "the brother from his tormentors, but she claims that they have not met previously. The pirate curses Viola because he mistakes her for Sebastian. The authors message here is to display again the entire disadvantage of love; but this time of the fraternal affection, the other kind of it. The thief argues that he deserves Noble Orsinos mercy because he shows mercy and love to his servant Cesario after the vessels accident. However, the Aristocrat hurts his feelings, he commands his security to take him away.Here comes the countess: now heaven / walks on earth. / But for thee, fellow; fellow, thy words are madness: / Three months this youth hath tended upon me; (Shakespeare 132).Orsino communicates the adorable Olivia, trying to impress her. Nevertheless, she appears unenthusiastic towards him, and more than this, she arrogantly expresses her romance obsession with his messenger CÃ ©sar. The Countess egotism enrages the Duke. He is confident that they could be happy, since they both come from imperial families. As a result, he boasts that Olivia cannot find a partner who will love her as much as he does. Furthermore, he pleads for accepting his proposal, promising to dedicate entirely his love to her.What, to perverseness? you uncivil lady, / To whose ingrate and unausp icious altars /My soul the faithfullst offerings hath breathed out / That eer devotion tenderd! What shall I do? (Shakespeare 133). Orsinos diction and disappointment after Lady Olivia reject him betrays the pain love causes him. Luckily, his frustration ends soon after realizing that Cesario was a woman, and she was head over heels in love with him. For the time she stays with the Duke, her heartaches for circumstances confine her in the man Cesario that will not her woo the nobleman. The pain goes away after she reveals her identity. Immediately,...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Ethical Relativism - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 711 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/09/20 Category Education Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? Manukyan Ruth Benedict was considered a founding figure of American anthropologist and Benedict taught at Columbia University. Benedict was partially deaf. She has written many books, many of her books were published, and she is very well known. Benedict views social systems as communities with common beliefs. She believes that one system cannot be better than another. I agree with Benedict’s claim that morality is simply whatever a culture deems normal behavior. It is definitely a satisfactory equation and she shows many great points on why. Benedict has great points on why to accept others moral beliefs even though it may conflict with yours. In Benedict’s view, and in the view of American anthropology of the time, each culture is self-contained, and separate but equal. Each makes sense in its own context, and all you have to do is know the context to understand what the people are doing and why they are doing it. In a simpler term she is saying that you ca nnot say ones She never believed that there was a â€Å"universal†to a variety of human moral standards. Looking at Benedict’s beliefs and applying it to the institution of slavery and the Nazi policy of anti-Semitism and it does indeed make sense. I cannot apply it with my beliefs because I was taught that killing others is bad and that everyone in the world is equal. If you do look at it in a person that agrees with the Nazi policy it makes sense. They believed that the Jews were the problem and a majority of people agreed which made the killings occur. They found that morally correct. As well as slavery, when African American’s were slaves white people found it morally correct to â€Å"own a slave†. Most of the United States found that normal. In Benedict’s view we cannot say that Manukyan slavery was morally incorrect because at that time it slavery was considered morally correct. It might not seem as the right thing to do, but back then the culture deemed that as a normal behavior. Manukyan Every single culture has a its own moral principles. A culture’s morals are most likely different from another culture’s morals. There can be a significant difference between cultures morals that do not correspond with each other or even some cultures might have many morals alike. One culture might believe in something and another culture might believe in something completely opposite of that. An example is a culture might find it morally correct to do slavery and another culture might find it morally incorrect to do slavery. Another example is when a culture finds it okay to sacrifice themselves because there belief is they will end up in a heaven with virgins, but another culture just finds that completely incorrect and they value an individuals life more. This is called â€Å"Cultural Relativism†. Cultural Relativism is the view that moral or ethical systems may vary from culture to culture. But al l these cultures morals are valid and no one system is better than any other. This is based on an important idea in which there is no ultimate standard of good or evil. The right or wrong is decided by society of that certain culture. In other words any opinion on morality or ethics is subject to the cultural perspective of each person. We might think that killing someone is disrespectful and it is frowned upon, but to another culture it might be a religion to kill someone. Such as they might do a sacrifice and everything will be completely normal. There are no independent criteria for us to say that some cultures are better than others because who are we to judge there morals. The morals we agree on they might disagree on and the morals we disagree on they might agree on. Not one culture can be considered better than another. We cannot judge what they feel is morally right. Manukyan Whatever I feel is morally right is because I grew up and adapted to it. People with different mo ral beliefs grew up and adapted to there own version of morals. Not all morals may seem equally good, but that is something we must live with which can never be changed. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Ethical Relativism" essay for you Create order
Monday, May 18, 2020
John Updikes AP Essay - 767 Words
In John Updike’s short story, AP the writer takes you on a youths memory that involves the choices and consequences that life can deal to anyone who has not had time to test a rash decision. The narrator is an immature nineteen-year-old cashier who is about to make a giant leap from adolescence to manhood. Sammy narrates with opinions of not only his life, but also the people in the town. Sammy opposes with the way these people live their lives, and is determined to set a different course for his future. The author uses characterization, symbolism, and setting to explain Sammys life issues such as decision-making, result of action, and responsibility. The story illustrates that part of growing up is about making choices and a willingness†¦show more content†¦Although at first glance, the link between the characters and items are not clear. Uniquely, Updike uses Sammy to link items in the store to develop characterization with the store manager, the customers and the t hree girls. Updike uses symbolization to further emphasize and develop the actions and spirit of the characters. Cookies and applesauce have a sweet and youthful appeal, whereas oatmeal is primitive. Oatmeal is depicted bland, and having a dated influence on society like Mr. Lengel and the customers, whereas Sammy and the girls have a sweet and youthful allure. When Sammy quits in protest of how the girls treatment by the stores manager, he perceives that from now on, the world will be a more difficult place. As Sammy tells the story, his language indicates that, at age nineteen, he is both cynical and romantic. He sees his co-worker Stokesie as a glimpse of what Sammy’s future might be like; Stokesie’s family â€Å"is the only difference†between them, Sammy comments. When Mr. Lengel addresses the girls attire by telling the girls, â€Å"Girls, this is not the beach†(Updike 100). We see the manager; Lengel as a square peg. He will obey society’s rules, and is not one to make an impulsive decision. In AP, he is a hard-working person with much ambition in contrast with Sammy. It is at this point in the story that we see the climax, and biggest change. The use of irony is in John Updike’s APShow MoreRelatedJohn Updike’s AP1429 Words  | 6 Pageseven in usage of language. The new generation s try to express themselves as something different from the old, embracing new slang, trying to form a separation between themselves and the previous generation. In John Updike’s â€Å"A P†, a teenage boy named Sammy works at a local store called AP. Sammy is a young casher, that stands up to his boss and he stands up for three girls who are dressed in bathing suits. Sammy lives in a small town, where nothing really happens. There is a struggle within everyRead MoreSymbolism in John Updikes A P1440 Words  | 6 PagesJohn Updikes short story A P recounts how an adolescent supermarket cashier named Sammy has his life changed forever when three girls in bathing suits shop in the store where he works. He is the first person narrator who shapes the tale with his descriptions, attitudes and opinions. He is the protagonist who grows up quickly in a single day and the only round, fully developed character in the tale. As you proceed through the story and become acquainted with Sammys opinions and ideas, it becomesRead More John Updikes A P Essay1471 Words  | 6 PagesJohn Updikes A P At first read, John Updikes A P contrasts old and new; the old manager in his settled life conflicting with the new age of girls wearing bathing suits in buildings. All the while, the narrator stuck in the middle, finally deciding to join the side of new, or youth. Instead of old vs. new, an observation closer to the heart of the story is conflict between the worlds of the rich and the middle class. ?A P? is the setting for one man to decide in which way he will seekRead MoreEssay on John Updikes AP865 Words  | 4 PagesJohn Updikes AP Many of the events that take place in John Updikes AP would not have happened had the town lived under a Marxist society. Marxism is a socio-economic ideal where all people work for the good of the community and is characterized by not having any social class distinctions. The division of Classes in AP is very apparent, especially between Sammy, the protagonist and first person narrator, and the three girls, one of the three antagonists, who walk into the storeRead MoreJohn Updikes AP Essay1355 Words  | 6 Pages Winners Sometimes Quit Try and remember what it was like to be a teenager. The short story â€Å"Aamp;P†tells the coming of age story of a nineteen year old boy named Sammy. Sammy has unknowingly placed himself into a situation that many small town adolescents often fall victim to. Sammy has a dead end job, and he feels as though he will be stuck working at the local â€Å"Aamp;P†while life passes him by. This is until a chance encounter with three young female customers changes his course from miniRead MoreEssay on Personality in John Updikes AP1275 Words  | 6 Pagescharacter to make them stand out in a story.nbsp; In A amp; P by John Updike, Sammy starts off as a young man discontent with his ordinary adult surroundings and moves to his need to change it. Throughout the story, Sammy describes and interprets the scenes around him, consequently revealing his own character, by which can be related through the use of Thomas Chous Ennegram, to distinguish his personality type. nbsp; John Updike gives the reader an inside look into the adolescent mindRead MoreAnalysis Of John Updikes AP Essay1544 Words  | 7 PagesJohn Updikes story AP talks about a 19-year old lad, Sammy, who has a job at the local grocery store, the AP. Sammy works at the register in the store and is always observing the people who walk in and out each day. On this particular day that the story takes place, Sammy is caught off guard when a cluster of girls walk into the store wearing just their bathing suits. This caught Sammys attention because the nearest beach is five miles away and he could not figure out why they would still beRead MoreChanges (John Updikes AP) Essay914 Words  | 4 PagesEnglish 1302.2E1 Changes Breaking away from the traditional is a struggle that contains several sacrifices and consequences. In John Updike’s â€Å"AP,†Sammy is a young teenager who transforms his wishes into reality. At first glance, he seems like a normal teenage boy, but instead he is an observational character who is trying to find a way to stand up for himself. Throughout the story, he undergoes changes toRead MoreJohn Updikes aP : Sammys Growth1545 Words  | 7 PagesJohn Updikes AP : Sammys Growth John Updikes story AP is about a nineteen year old boy, Sammy, who has a job at the local grocery store, the AP. Sammy works at the register in the store and is always observing the people who walk in and out each day. On this particular day that the story takes place, Sammy is caught off guard when a cluster of girls walk into the store wearing just their bathing suits. This caught Sammys attention because the nearest beach is five miles away and he couldRead MoreRebellion And Symbolism In John Updikes A P1842 Words  | 8 PagesThe short story â€Å"A P,†tells the story of a nineteen-year-old boy named Sammy who works in the local town grocery store. Sammy is the narrator of the story; one day while he was working at the cash register, three girls wearing nothing but bathing suits walk in. He instantaneously notices the girls, one in particular. He named her Queenie and she is seen as the leader or ‘queen bee’ of the three girls. As these girls walk th rough the grocery store they start to create a scene and get the attention
Monday, May 11, 2020
Women s Suffrage Movement Susan B. Anthony - 1698 Words
Men and women are supposed to be equals. Women are supposed to share equal rights and opportunities with males, but sometimes women experience discrimination and face inequality. (It’s not only women; people of different genders/sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, and etc. face discrimination still to this day). Some look at this world as if it is a man’s world, and women were put on this Earth to help their husband, have kids, and raise their children. Well, women can do more than that! Not only men, women can be leaders and hold high positions too. Women can go into male dominated professions, and be successful. When feminism comes to mind the first thing I think of is the women suffrage movement. Then I think of the 19 amendment and how it gave women the right to vote (a right we should have had in the first place). Susan B. Anthony is a well-known feminist who believed that slavery should be and would be ended, and not only that she pushed for women to have the rig ht to vote (the right they had been denied at the time). I also think of the early 20th century in America, and several things that happened. There was Margaret Sanger, who in the early 1900’s pushed for people to be educated about sex (sex education). Also, she pushed on the topic of contraceptives which at the beginning many people didn’t like the idea of at first. I also think of women like Coretta Scott King who not involved in the Civil Rights Movement, she was also a feminist. She also had a part in theShow MoreRelatedSusan B. Anthony : An American Icon1462 Words  | 6 PagesSusan B. Anthony Susan B. Anthony was a born a fighter she never stopped protesting the morally incorrect in her first years to her last she fought for equality. Susan B. Anthony is an American icon known for her work with the Women Suffrage Movement she influenced the American culture and brought all American women a better future. Her legacy sculpted feminism and helped the community pave the way to equality. Susan B. Anthony was born an activist her family being involved in the Anti-SlaveryRead MoreFeminism : The Advocacy Of Women s Rights On The Basis Of Equality1645 Words  | 7 Pages- the advocacy of women s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.†Throughout history women have been perceived as these docile,fragile,and inferior type of people. Men were supposed to be the ones in charge and women were meant to follow along. These women back in the day were conditioned to believe that their place was at home being a good little housewife to their husbands. Women’s thoughts and opinions did not hold the same value as that of a man. There were women that were just fineRead MoreThe Heroic Of Women Rights807 Words  | 4 PagesThe Heroic of Women Rights In the early eighteen century in Canajoharie New York, Susan B. Anthony, a teacher discovered that men and women have different hourly wages. This commotion made Susan B. Anthony and other female to join the â€Å"teacher union to fight for equal wages.†(â€Å"SusanBAnthony†par.5) Nevertheless there was one problem, - Susan B Anthony continued to fight for the teacher union actively but she had to end her career as a teacher. Under the circumstances, Susan B Anthony had taken a roleRead MoreSusan B Anthony : A Strong Sense Of Moral Sense875 Words  | 4 PagesSusan B Anthony Susan B Anthony was born on February 1820, to a Quaker family in Massachusetts. She was the second oldest of eight children, and her parents were owners of a cotton mill. Sadly, two of the Anthony siblings died in infancy and only six of them grew up to be adults. Moving on with their life, the Anthony family moved to New York around 1826, and Susan was sent to a Quaker School near Philadelphia. Susan B Anthony returned home in the 1830s to help her family after the breakdown ofRead MoreWomen s Suffrage By Susan B. Anthony891 Words  | 4 PagesStates had several of social movement. People created social movement because their want society to aware in problem of society. Some want society to know about famine, oppression and poverty in their life. Others want society to know about inequality. One of the most famous and most powerful movement is â€Å"Women’s Suffrage†. The movement of women that call for their right to vote. Susan B. Anthony, the woman who influenc es in progress of women’s suffrage. Belief of Anthony effect on American societyRead MoreCult of True Womanhood: Womens Suffrage1299 Words  | 6 PagesIn the 1840’s, most of American women were beginning to become agitated by the morals and values that were expected of womanhood. â€Å"Historians have named this the ’Cult of True Womanhood’: that is, the idea that the only ‘true’ woman was a pious, submissive wife and mother concerned exclusively with home and family†( Voting was only the right of men, but women were on the brink to let their voices be heard. Women pioneers such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott wrote elevenRead MoreThe Women s Suffrage Movement1553 Words  | 7 Pagesall American women had the right to vote, and were granted the same rights and responsibilities as men in terms of citizenship. Until this time, the only people who were allowed to vote in elections in the United States wer e male citizens. For over 100 years, women who were apart of the women’s suffrage movement fought for their right to vote, and faced many hardships and discrimination because of it. The American women’s suffrage movement was one of the most important political movements in historyRead MoreSusan B Anthony In The Womens Suffrage Movement1295 Words  | 6 PagesSusan B. Anthony In The Women’s Suffrage Movement The crucial process of slavery was the biggest economic salvation in the United States for hundreds of years. With time, many evangelical Americans began to emphasize the struggling lives of slaves in order for them to be saved through the grace of their mighty God. In the early 1800s, the Second Great Awakening rose to power to acknowledge the slaves and their rights as children of God. During the Civil War (1861-1865), the Abolitionist MovementRead MoreWomen s Rights During The Civil War1628 Words  | 7 PagesWomen Getting the Right to Vote â€Å"While the word suffrage, derived from the Latin â€Å"Suffragium,†simply refers to the right to vote, the modern connotation specifically calls to mind the women’s suffrage movements of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Part of the larger social movement of Women’s Rights and the fight for equality within patriarchal societies , the Women’s Suffrage Movement in the United States spans a seventy-two year period†(Dolton 31)The campaign for women’s suffrage beganRead MoreBiography of Susan B Anthony1496 Words  | 6 PagesSusan B. Anthony (Your name) (college) Susan B. Anthony On February 15, 1820, Susan B. Anthony was born in Adams Massachusetts to Lucy and Daniel Anthony. Susan out of eight children was raised in a strict Quaker family. Her father, Daniel Anthony, was a very rigid man, a Quaker cotton manufacturer and abolitionist. He believed in making sure children were guided right, not targeting them. Her father did not let his kids experience the childish enjoyments of toys, games, and music, because
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Perception Of Aging And Eventual Death - 1049 Words
Introduction Aging is a controversial and multifaceted subject of which we know relatively little. However, our perception of aging and eventual death is a subtopic that has been addressed for many millennia past. Following, we endeavored to dig deeper into the perception of death and how that perception changes with age. To do this, we designed an observational study performed with a survey which was intended to capture a complete and detailed sample so that we may draw a useful and reliable conclusion from the collected data. These conclusions will hopefully contribute to the subject of perception of aging over a lifetime. Hypothesis: There exists a significant difference in the desired ages of death between persons less than forty years of age and persons more than forty years of age. Method As stated, to gather data concerning our hypothesis, we published a survey on Facebook that was set as â€Å"public†so anyone could view and respond to the survey (see Appendix 1). The design of the survey, while testing only a single hypothesis, posed multiple questions so we could analyze background information alongside the primary questions. This collection of background information was included after we identified some potentially confounding variables. Therefore, in addition to the three primary questions concerning age, desired age of death, and age of death with which a responded would be â€Å"content,†we inquired about such factors as the respondent’s current age, income, debt,Show MoreRelatedSonnet 73 Metaphors1165 Words  | 5 Pagesbut a few still remain. This development of the image of autumn, creates the perception of the speaker entering old age. Continuing, Shakespeare interlaces another metaphor for the speaker growing old, â€Å"Upon tho se boughs which shake against the cold†. The crucial words in that line are â€Å"against†and â€Å"cold†, â€Å"against†means that the boughs are moving of their own accord and â€Å"cold†is a metaphor itself for old age, or death. The metaphor compares the limbs of a tree moving in the cold to an old manRead MoreThe Relationship Between Gender And Alzheimer s Disease1386 Words  | 6 Pagesof ageing. Nevertheless, it is mainly associated with ageing. Studies reveal that the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease doubles every few years. This indicates an undoubted exponential increase in risks with the increase in age (Duthey, 2013). An aging population contributes immensely towards the expansion of the number of people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. A 2014 report on the epidemiology of the disease had some extraordinary findings. The report expresses fears that approximately fifteenRead More The I-Function And Alzheimers Disease: Where is The Person?1243 Words  | 5 PagesThe I-Function And Alzheimers Disease: Where is The Person? Alzheimers disease (AD) is a serious form of dementia that involves the destruction of brain cells, and ultimately leads to death (1). What makes AD such a frightening disease, for both the patient and their family members, is the loss of self associated with the dementia. Those afflicted with AD cant understand the changes going on within themselves. Family members are upset by the loss of the person they once knew. It is commonRead MoreFood for Thought Essay1092 Words  | 5 PagesThe aging brain can play host to numerous neurological diseases. While some can be brought about due to genetic predisposition, nutrition plays an important roll in the development and eventual aging of the brain. In fact, the brain shrinks and can lose 5-10% of its weight with age. According to the Framington Offspring Cohort Study; smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity can accelerate brain shrinkage. While good diet choices and exercise can slow the effects of aging on the brain.Read Mo reThe Buddhas Four Noble Truths: a Logical Basis for Philosophy1688 Words  | 7 Pagescollection of five skandhas or aggregates. These include rupa (matter), vedana (sensations), sanna (perceptions), samkhara (mental formations), and vijnana (consciousness). The aggregate of matter encompasses all tangible aspects of the world. The aggregate of sensations is akin to the process of sensory input; e.g., the activation of retinal cells in the eye. Vedana does not include the process of perception, however; the act of perceiving the senses, i.e., recognition of external sensations, is withinRead More The Buddhas Four Noble Truths: A Logical Basis For Philosophy1651 Words  | 7 Pagescollection of five skandhas or aggregates. These include rupa (matter), vedana (sensations), sanna (perceptions), samkhara (mental formations), and vijnana (consciousness). The aggregate of matter encompasses all tangible aspects of the world. The aggregate of sensations is akin to the process of sensory input; e.g., the activation of retinal cells in the eye. Vedana does not include the process of perception, however; the act of perceiving the senses, i.e., recognition of external sensations, is withinRead MoreEssay about Healthy Aging Interview1812 Words  | 8 Pagesstruck Maxine in the fall of 1928. The relentless weather combined with the struggle to harvest the dwindling crops resulted in Joseph developing pneumonia. The pneumonia took Josephs life and Maxines father, when she was only two. Her fathers death forced this single parent family to relocate to the city to seek employment. In 1930, Ruby accepted employment with as a seamstress at a shirt factory in Wytheville, Virginia. During 1935, Ruby was transferred to Christiansburg, Virginia wereRead MoreAway from Her Assignment Essay5454 Words  | 22 Pageshe believed Fiona was getting back at him for his infidelity. Aubreys wife Marian decided to take Aubrey back to her home because of her inability to continue paying Meadowlakes, which brought both Fiona and Aubrey great pain and eventual depression. Grants eventual reaction was to find a way to bring Aubrey back in order to ease Fionas depression, rather than have her remain in the same state for the rest of her life. He visited Marian in order to try and convince her to bring Aubrey back toRead MoreReality and Illusion4098 Words  | 17 PagesReality versus Illusion Texts: Life of Pi King Lear Heavenly Creatures Blade Runner Pans Labyrinth Research Questions: 1. How does each character’s situation influence their perception or ideas of reality versus illusion? 2. What are the similarities and differences between the main character’s situation in each text? 3. What insights relating to reality and illusion can be gained from each text? Resources: Title: Life of Pi Author: Yann Martel Question 1: Pi survives his ordealRead MoreEssay about Unit 4 P12506 Words  | 11 Pagesyears- self conscious about their physical appearance -May overreact to parental questions or criticisms -Risky behaviour/rebellious -16+ years- rely on peer group support -examination of others; values; beliefs, forms identity by organising perception of one’s attitudes -Less affection shown toward parents; May sometimes seem rude or short-tempered. Conditioning- In the 1906, ivan pavov publishished his work on conditioned learning in dogs. Pavov became interested in how the dogs learned
Discuss How Shakespeare Uses Language and Dramatic Techniques Free Essays
Discuss how Shakespeare uses language and dramatic techniques for character development in Act 2 Scene 2 of Measure for Measure. Shakespeare uses a variety of linguistic devices and dramatic techniques for character development from Act 2 Scene 2 to Scene 4. We see Angelo’s precise, business-like persona transform to temptation, and final cruelty whilst we see the true, confident side of Isabella as as she attempts to convince Angelo to reverse his judgement, but eventually loses her ignorant hope on the realisation of his true ‘purpose’. We will write a custom essay sample on Discuss How Shakespeare Uses Language and Dramatic Techniques or any similar topic only for you Order Now In Act 2 Scene 2 Shakespeare portrays Angelo as precise, intelligently dealing with the pleas of Isabella to save the life of her brother by reversing the death sentence that has been handed down to him. The scene begins with the Provost and Angelo discussing Claudio’s punishment. The Provost dares to ask Angelo if he really wants Claudio murdered, ‘All sects, all ages smack of this vice, and he to die for’t! , and Angelo states that he does, ‘Did not I tell yea? Hast thou no order? Why dost thou ask again? ’. Shakespeare instantly uses dramatic technique of foreshadowing the conflict that is to follow through the sharp words exchanged between the two. Provost then asks what’s to be done with the woman he got pregnant, Juliet. Angelo still refuses to relent, and says that Juliet, who is in labour, should go to a more fitting place, away from everything that is going on ‘Dispose of her To some more fitter place’ Shakespeare’s lexical choice conveys his ruthless nature to the audience, in this context would mean ‘send her away’, but of course reading the text using more modern language; ‘dispose’ is an unpleasant word, especially when referring to a human being, where it seems incongruous, especially in reference to a pregnant woman, thus subtly foreshadowing the revealing of Angelo’s animalistic nature later in the scene. Angelo also calls Juliet a ‘fornicatress’, the harsh constanents of the name once again conjuring the theme that is constantly present through the play, that of appearance versus reality. Although Juliet appears from Angelo’s quick appraisal to be just a sinful person, her reality is far more complex; she is much better than most women of the time, she is not a prostitute or adulterer, rather her only fault was not securing a marriage contract before she slept with her fiancee. She is actually a woman of strength and principle, not the simple sinner that Angelo’s developing harsh, cruel character reduces her to. Isabella comes to see Angelo innocently, as shy as she appeared in her first scene at the nunnery, and begins to plead with him for Claudio’s life, ‘I have a brother is condemned to die. I do beseech you, let it be his fault, And not my brother’. Angelo is portrayed to be business-like and unrelenting, ‘Condemn the fault, and not the actor of it? Why, every fault’s condemned ere it be done’ but Lucio urges her to persist, encouraging her ‘Ay, touch him, there’s the vein’ acting as a kind of Greek chorus for the audience. She does, and calls upon Angelo’s pity, mercy, and moderation; she recognises that Angelo has the power to enforce the law in full, but impresses upon him that one must use power with moderation. Isabella’s strategy is a keen one, trying to persuade Angelo to have the same mercy for her brother that she has. Once again, the issue of mercy is urged upon Angelo, as is the theme of human weakness, which all, Isabella stresses, fall victim to. Her character is portrayed as increasingly canny, when she has to be; her argument is strong and persuasive, although it is not her argument that causes Angelo to relent, but his attraction to her. Isabella also touches upon the theme of use of power; ‘it is excellent to have a giant’s strength,’ she tells Angelo, ‘but it is tyrannous to use it as a giant’, making an allusion to ‘Jove’ to demonstrate her point – even the gods, with tremendous power, know how best to use their awesome abilities. This is another lesson that Angelo’s character must learn; for although he can use the law to its full extent if he wishes, he has to learn how to temper his power with mercy and heed moderation. Comparing the characters of Angelo and Isabella, one could argue that Isabella is ‘the symbol of goodness and mercy set against a background of moral decay’. Alternatively, one could see her character as self-righteous and hypocritical, as we later discover when she values her chastity higher than her brother’s life. Isabella continues arguing with Angelo until he finally relents and tells her to come back the next day to hear his judgement. Everyone leaves, and Angelo speaks a rather striking soliloquy, apparently talking to himself ‘†¦what art thou Angelo? Dost thou desire her foully for those things that make her good? ’. Thus, through Shakespeare’s staging, we learn that Angelo admits to himself that he is in love with Isabella because of her virtue and purity. Often characters in Shakespeare’s plays have soliloquies but they do not often refer to themselves in third person and when they do, it is often a sign of madness. Perhaps Shakespeare is suggesting this as a sign for Angelo. What is certain is that he is struggling with an inward battle between what he knows he should do and what he desires to do, as his develops and starts questioning the morality of his own character. It is with great irony that Isabella’s call to Angelo to mark the weaknesses in his own heart is answered by Angelo’s acknowledgement that he is tempted by Isabella. It is this temptation that brings from Angelo his first statement of mercy toward Claudio: ‘O, let her brother live! Thieves for their robbery have authority when judges steal themselves! Shakespeare shows how Angelo realises that with experience of one’s own weakness comes mercy for others’ failings; however, he soon ignores this lesson, and falls into hypocrisy in Act 2 Scene 4. In this scene, Isabella comes back the next day as Angelo had asked, and he begins by saying that Claudio must die. Isabella begins to leave, but Angelo begins to tempt her to save her brother, by offering herself i nstead. Isabella ignorantly misunderstands Angelo’s subtle sexual offer, and he is forced to tell her plainly that if she sleeps with him he will let Claudio live. Angelo accuses her of hypocrisy, and they discuss the frailty of women. In terms of character development in this scene, Angelo begins in a state of agitation, pondering why he cannot pray and with a new awareness of how the appearance of things might not be true to reality. Where before Angelo was unified in his intentions and actions, he has now become internally divided, ‘O place, O form, How often does thou with thy case, thy habit, Wrench awe from fools, and tie the wiser souls to thy false seeming! Blood, thou art blood. ’- questioning the power of authority, position and outward appearance to convince even wise men that false men are virtuous. Shakespeare uses language of coercion, ‘wrench’ and ‘tie’, and apostrophe – ‘O place, O form’ to perhaps illustrate the sophisticated and baffling nature of false appearances. Shakespeare also shows how Angelo is beginning to seduce Isabella with subtle and ambiguous lexis, but moving more and more towards blunt, harsh and animalistic discourse as the scene progresses. I have begun, and now I give my sensual race the rein’; Shakespeare shows how Angelo has almost been possessed by his animal side. This is perhaps emphasised by the use of horse imagery, ‘race the rein’, as well as the use of plosives and dentals ‘fit they consent to my sharp appetite’, drawing attention to his teeth and lips, reinforcing his sexual lust and passion for Isabella. When Isa bella enters, however, she meekly accepts Angelo’s judgement, but as the scene progresses she continues to find her voice. As Angelo descends into sensuality, she seems to become more pious and religously extreme, almost swapping roles with Angelo. ‘Th’ impression of keen whips I’d wear as rubies, and strip myself to death’ – Shakespeare uses images of love, death and falgellation to express her disgust at the idea of submitting to Angelo. Though the sentiment is spiritual, the language and images are highly physical, suggesting that her character would resist the carnal sexuality by yielding herself to more gruesome lovers: torture and death. Her innocence is also shattered by Angelo’s crass offer – she seems shocked to find out that justice might not be as perfect as it appears. Her naivety is gradually stripped away as Angelo easily overcomes her threat to expose him, and she sees that virtue does not necessarily triumph over iniquity. Yet, she still has ignorant faith in the honour of her brother, Claudio, and trusts that he will defend her honour even at the cost of his life. How to cite Discuss How Shakespeare Uses Language and Dramatic Techniques, Essays
Report Professional Issues Assignment - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about the Report Professional Issues Assignment. Answers: Introduction is a recognized and new online news business. Jimmy Olsen, a recent graduate from Griffith University IT joined the news company. Soon after he joined, Jimmy came to know that the story is something different from what is displayed for the rest of the world. Hullaballoo publishes news, most of which are false and self-made. Jimmy was much uncomfortable with this fact that he publishing fake news. At the same time, the job was important for him, so he could not afford to lose it; rather he thought of some other way. Analysis A dilemma is a complicated problem for which there is no simple and evident solution. The best way to deal with such kind of a complicated problem is to simplify it. This can be done by breaking the problem into several managerial factors. EDM or Ethical Decision Model is a all-purpose method for analysis of a complicated situation to disclose a solution. This EDM method involves three major steps. They are analysis, prioritisation and decision. Analysis of the Hullaballoo case study is done, based on several factors. Every moral and ethical problem or dilemma is a mixture of several extrinsic and intrinsic factors that are needed to be recognized as the necessity of the first step. These factors are as follows: Legal Factors Professional Factors Employment and Social Factors Personal Factors Intrinsic Factors The extrinsic factors are the legal, professional, employment and social and personal factors. The intrinsic factor is an individuals personal attributes. Legal factors Jimmy Olsen is uncomfortable with the job surroundings. He thought of taking steps but at the same time, he needed the job badly; so he was silent and was part of the wrong deed that Hullaballoo was doing. Supporting a wrong act is equal to doing that wrong act. Jimmy should have taken legal steps as soon as he came to know about the fraud case of Hullaballoo. He should have informed the police because after wards, if the fraud case comes in front of public, even Jimmy would be behind bars. He should have taken action in the first step as law always gets priority over the remaining since breaking any law will get into severe trouble, even in prison. Professional factors The commitment to Jimmys profession should get the first priority over the commitment he has to his employer or boss in the occurrence that his employer requires him to do anything unprofessional. Jimmy Olsen should be loyal to his work place. In this particular case, he is working for an online news business, where Jimmy is put to work customizing Hullaballoos website to get people to sign up for a free subscription and receive a daily newsletter or weekly digest. Since, being an ethical individual, it is his duty to stop publishing fake news and adding any kind of impurity to the news. When he is not doing so, he is being unethical to his society. Employment and Social factors The organisations or companies that remain in the bigger context of a society are nothing but a product of that society, so there will usually be agreement, at least in principle, between the models of the organisation and those of society. There will be some variations to this in the case of the organisations that remain at the verge of the society, that do not share its conventional models. Jimmy Olsen should consider the social and the employment factors. The social factor for Jimmy is that he is bound to do that unethical job because he has some financial issues. The employment factors that will effect Jimmy are recessions, job growth and the ability to look for other jobs. Personal factors A persons first lesson is always from his family. He can be one of the best person only by the lesson he gets from his family, friends. His upbringing will be a part of his moral development. Jimmy Olsen is feeling uncomfortable after he knew about the fraud case of Hullaballoo, which means his work ethics and moral development are on the right track. Personal factors are those factors that are acquired from the social constraint they are part of the foster or parent component. Personalities are an amalgamation of the factors, though the grade of each will vary with every individual. Strong-minded unconventional people will be affected by the parent or foster component. Intrinsic factors The intrinsic factors include the distinctive range of an individuals traits; their height of personal goals, moral development, their motivation, their status and position in the society, their self concept; intrinsic factors that were not obtained from their surroundings. Jimmy Olsens intrinsic factors are affecting his work ethics. Jimmy Olsen is put to work customizing Hullaballoos website to get people to sign up for a free subscription and receive a daily newsletter or weekly digest. His intrinsic factors include his characteristics, his objectives and his motivation. Prioritisation The making of a table or a list that shows each one of the factor in order of importance assists prioritisation. It can be helpful to include a column that outlines related matters beside each factor. The following table helps to understand the most important to the least important factor. Factor Related Issue 1 Publishing fake news (Legal) Hullaballoo is publishing false and self-made news. 2 Positive publicity for clients (Legal) Hullaballoo is doing positive publicity for its clients to gain money 3 Negative publicity for clients Competitor (Legal) Hullaballoo is doing negative publicity for its clients competitors. 4 Unethical job (Professional) Publishing fake news in unprofessional 5 Being quiet (Professional) Jimmy Olsen is quiet in spite of knowing that it is a wrong deed 6 Insufficient money (Social and employment) Jimmy had some financial issues that stopped him from leaving the job. 7 No work experience (Social and employment) Jimmy was a fresh graduate so after leaving Hullaballoo, finding a job would had been difficult for him. 8 Recession (Social and employment) Jimmy had the fear that he might get stuck in recession and will not be able to find a new job. 9 Family (Personal) Jimmy wanted to get settled. 10 Bigger place (Personal) Jimmy wanted a bigger place to live in 11 Job satisfaction (Personal) Jimmy wanted to be satisfied with his job. 12 Gather work experience (Intrinsic) Jimmy wanted to gather work experience from Hullaballoo. 13 Director (Intrinsic) Jimmy wanted to become director Table 1: Priority List Decision According to the priority list provided, legal factor is present on the top priority list. Legal action should be taken as soon as possible. Jimmy Olsen should contact police in no less time because publishing fake and self-made news is nothing but a severe crime. Supporting this wrong deed is equal to doing this wrong deed. When Jimmy Olsen is not blowing the whistle, he is supporting this wrong act. The moment Hullaballoo will be exposed in front of the world, even Jimmy will be put behind bars for being a part of this fraud online news business. Hullaballoo is paid for positive publicity of its client and negative publicity of its clients competitor. Jimmy has noticed that some of the news stories make favorable mention of the same companies who buy advertising with them. He has learned that this practice is called Native Advertising where an advertisement pretends as a news story. Native advertising is largely a response to more and more people using ad blockers on their web brow sers. Therefore, the decision that should be taken is taking the help of law or legal authorities. Discussion The factors that affected the Hullaballoo case study are as follows: Legal Factors Professional Factors Social and Employment Factors Personal Factors Intrinsic Factors Legal Factor: Factors 1, 2 and 3 are the legal factors. The legal factor is the most important factor in this case study. An online news business, Hullaballoo is publishing false news or in other words, it is getting paid for positive publicity of its client and negative publicity of its clients competitor. Jimmy Olsen, a fresh graduate from Griffith University, finds out this truth after getting a job in that news business. Jimmy is quite uncomfortable in publishing fake news but at the same time, he needs this job because of his financial crisis. According to the analysis made in this case study, Jimmy should contact police and take help from legal authorities so that this wrong deed is stopped. Professional Factor: Factors 4 and 5 are the professional factors. Professional factor is on the second position in the priority list. Work ethics is very important in any kind of job. In this case, the whole job is unethical. According to the analysis made on the case study, Jimmy Olsen is not being professional with his job. He is supporting to the fact that Hullaballoo is publishing false news and doing negative publicity for its clients competitor and positive publicity for its client. One should be ethical towards his work, else that would be a severe problem for anyone. Social and Employment Factor: Factors 6. 7 and 8 are the social and employment factors. Social and employment factor is on the third position in the priority list. This factor refers to the society that affects the individual. The social factor for Jimmy Olsen is that he is bound to work in that unethical job environment because of his social life. His social factor refers to the fact he needs that particular job because of his family and financial issues. Employment factor is on the fourth position in the priority list. Recession is an important problem for employment factor. Jimmy Olsen is having second thoughts for leaving this job only because he might not get any other job on this profile. This factor mainly depends on recession and the ability to find new jobs. Jimmy Olsen is still working because of these reasons. Personal Factor: Factors 9, 10 and 11 are the personal factors. Personal factor refers to the personality and attributes that is grown since childhood from the lesson he got from his friends, family, peer group and relatives. This factor helps to develop work ethics and moral values of an individual. Jimmy Olsen is feeling uncomfortable because of his personal factor. His work ethics and moral development was making him uncomfortable. Intrinsic Factor: Factors 12 and 13 are the intrinsic factors. Intrinsic factor refers to an individuals personal traits and attributes. Jimmy Olsens range of personal traits, his motivation and his objectives are affecting his work environment. The personal traits are of a unique and distinctive range. The priority list provided in this case study is based on the most important to least important factors. According to the priority list, legal factor is on the top and intrinsic factor is in the bottom, which means legal factor is the most important factor and intrinsic factor is the least important factor. Legal factor means involving law and legal authority in the case. Involving police in this case is much needed as Hullaballoo is publishing fake news. The second important factor on the list is professional factor. Jimmy Olsen should be ethical towards his profession, which means he should not support publication of fake and false news. The third important factor in this given list is social factor. This factor refers to the society and the social background of Jimmy Olsen. Society plays a significant role in any individuals life and life style. When a person is not getting all the things he has desired in his life, he will not be satisfied. Same is happening with Jimmy. He is not able to leave that unethical work because of his social life, and his family. The fourth important factor on the priority list is the employment factor. Recession has become a major issue for modern society. People always have a fear to lose their jobs and even if they leave their jobs, will they be able to find to a new suitable job. Similar condition is with Jimmy Olsen. He is scared to leave his job as he is in an ethical dilemma that if he goes against his job, there is a chance he will lose his job and after leaving the job, will he be able to find another job. This moral dilemma and his necessity were stopping him to leave Hullaballoo. The fifth factor on the priority list is the personal factor. An individual gets his first lesson from his family, his friends, his peer group. Jimmy Olsen was feeling disturbed in his work because his moral upbringing was somewhat different from what he is facing in Hullaballoo. The final factor that is the intrinsic factor is somewhat similar to the intrinsic factor. This factor refers to an individuals attributes and traits. Jimmy Olsens personal traits and attributes are affecting his work environment. In spite of being uncomfortable, Jimmy was working in Hullaballoo for the social and employment factors. After analyzing the whole case study, legal factor is put on the top of the priority list. Unethical job is not permissible especially in the news world. Legal factor refers to the law and legal action taken against any illegal act. Hullaballoo is involved in tremendous illegal act. They are publishing false news. Therefore, legal factor must be kept in the first position in the priority list, even before professional and employment factors. Personal and intrinsic factors are kept in the bottom of the priority list as in work ethics, intrinsic factors are not considered. Personal factors are the last amongst the extrinsic factors. Conclusion Therefore, from the above discussion, it can be concluded that Jimmy Olsen is going through an ethical or moral dilemma. is a recognized online news business but Jimmy came to know that they are publishing false and self made news. In spite of knowing that publishing false news is a wrong deed, Jimmy had to support them for his personal issues and necessities. The above report analyzes the case study with several extrinsic and intrinsic factors. The legal, professional, social and employment and personal factors are the extrinsic factors which further have classifications. There are thirteen different classifications given in the extrinsic and intrinsic factors. The report also analyzes the best solution that is to be taken in this particular case. Proper recommendations are further provided for this case study. Supporting a wrong deed is equal to doing such wrong deeds. Whistle should be blown publicly without getting scared, for fraud cases like Hullaballoo.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Performance Project Management Case Study
Questions: Describe about the Project management case study? Answers: Introduction This paper described the various aspects of the Avis Car Hire. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the new branch setup strategy in any location. This paper enables to determine the performance objective, tries to locate branches close to its customers and factor that influence Aviss decisions. Indeed, Avis Rent a Car System is an American car rental company that is known as the Avis. Its located New Jersey, United States. It operates Avis brands in North America, India, Australia, New Zealand and South America. Avis created general motors vehicles such as Cadillac and Chevrolet. Avis is a leading car rental organization that provides commercial segment serving business travelers at major airports the world. It was the first car rental business that situated an airport. Further, Avis founded in 1948 with three cars such as Michigan, Ypsilanti and Willow Run Airport. It became second largest car rental company in the country by 1953. Avis motto is We Try Harder that was adopted in 1962. They used computer based information and reservation system to be used in the United States car business. It is third largest car rental company in the world trailing behind the Hertz Corporation. It has been owned by a number of other organizations such as Northon Simon, Esmark, Beatrice, General Motor, Cendant, HFS Corporation and Avis Budget Group. Warren Avis was the founder and We Try Harder was the slogan of the Avis. Avis is a car rental company that provides rented car to staff or office people. (Harris Hartman 2001) Indeed, Setting up new brand gave opportunity to expand the business to improve the quality of Avis services. These are the various performance objectives of the Avis that is described below: The performance objective of the Avis is to operate from locations that provide maximum benefit to the organization.This decision needs regular reviewed. Through selecting location, business could get more customers with efficiency and generate greater profits. Example: select out-of-town shopping part instead of a high street retail business. It is more attractive due to parking is easier in shopping part. (Reardon 2010) The significant objective is to outperform its competitor by a focus on customer service. Service is a main factor of Aviss ethos. Employees should provide high standards of customer care. Avis focus to open its branches as close to as possible its customers. It has a wide branch range within the UK. Avis operates from 150 locations. So, most of people live five miles of an Avis branch. (James, Roy Ron 2014) The Avis performance aim is to understand the amount of business in the field. What level of business they missed because Avis doesnt have a current in the local market. The Avis aim is to set a boundary for a new location within a six-minute drive period. Avis needs referral sources such as mechanics, dealerships and vehicle repair centers. Avis gets new customers when people broken down their cars in an accident. (James, Roy Ron 2014) A boundary defines the limit of the organization and every employee have to work within the boundary. A boundary set the organization ethics and value that have to follow stakeholder of the organization. The Avis performance aim is to make new branches as environmentally friendly that are following below points: Use of long-life bulbs. These are five times longer as compare to standard bulbs. Photocells are used to switch on outside lights. It reduces electricity consumption. Printing kept documents Regulators are placed car wash. The Avis performance aim is to address environmental perspective. Setting up and refurbishments of new branches, Avis measures to reduce the carbon footprint of the business. It is a not only improve customer experience. But, also improve to reduce its costs and growth of business. (Reardon 2010) Environmental is a significant part of the organization that helps to achieve its objective and goals. Indeed, due to several reasons Avis car tries to setup branch close to its customer that is described below: Collect more customers: Avis wants to reach maximum customer in their area that is possible through close branch to its customers. The customer prefers near located branch to buy rented car that saves their time and efforts. Time and effort plays significant role in the organization in the current competitive market. (Knapp 2012) Speed and efficiency: Avis wants to fulfill its promise to customers on the speed and efficiency. So, they setup their branch close to its customers. Due to close setup of its branch, they could focus to provide excellent services to their customers. Customer satisfaction is a necessary to survive in the current competitive market. Avis provides Wi-Fi facility to their customers in car that raise the service quality of it. Wi-Fi facility is necessary in current competitive market to achieve their goals. It helps to raise the speed and efficiency of the Avis that would be beneficial for the long term perspective. Speed and efficiency could maintain through high service quality of the Avis. (Waters Waters 2006) Quick response: Avis tries to open a branch to close its customer to provide quick response. If branches would be close to its customer. Then, it would be easy to solve their query. The customer has no time to wait for solve their issue. So, it is beneficial for the organization to solve customer problem within the area. Further, human life is becoming very fast nowadays due to globalization. So, quick response is necessary to solve the customer problems. (Waters Waters 2006) Further, customer couldnt wait if they have issues in their car because it affect their regular business. Reach each and every customer: Avis opened their branches to close its customers to reach each and every customer in the market. Due to many branches, people are live within five miles of an Avis branch that show the strength of the Avis. The organization success depends on sales of the organization that is possible through customer. If the organization has more branches every city. Then, it would cover more customer that would be beneficial for the organization growth and success. Avis operates from around 350 locations to reach every customer in their city. Those people require regular car rent for their staff and office that is beneficial for them due to close availability of car rented. Easy to direct communicate with owner of car rent organization that raise the trust of the organization. (Waters Waters 2006) Reduce cost: It would reduce the cost of rent car due to near availability of the customers. It also improves the quality of the service of the organization. The customer prefers low rented car with high quality that is possible through low costs. Further, it is necessary to reduce our car rent cost due to competition in the market. Those companies are able to reduce the car cost that would be easy to attract the customers. (Knapp 2012) Indeed, new branch setup is the part of the organization that helps to expand their business in the global level. New branch setup has always positive or negative impact on the business. So, it depends employees of the business that how they handled it. If employees took positively these kinds of business that is helpful for the organization growth and success. It desire to expand the business. Thus, it will open branches in cities where the company didnt previously have a presence. It should decide to shut its less profitable operations and open branches in locations that offer potential business. Avis will have to consider many factors when determining new branch or operation. Avis will have to maintain balance between several factors while making a decision. Avis affected through various factors when they started a new branch that is described below: Cheapest land or building: It is significant factors that affected the Avis. Avis should select a site with cheapest land or buildings. It reduces cost of product that is beneficial for the organization. Cheap product with higher quality always attract customers. Further, cheap building helps to reduce the startup cost and it raises the profitability of the organization. The profitability makes the organization financially strong that is beneficial for long term stability of the Avis. Financial strong organization helps to survive in the current competitive market. (Novick Mays 2005) Organization desire cheap building for the production house that would reduce the investment costs of the Avis. The Avis management team found the cheapest land for their new branch that is possible through their managerial skills of the organization. Skill employees: New branch requires skill employees to handle their new branch office. Initial stage, employees can predict the employees to protect the organization. Skill employee is a key of the organization. Organizations havent time to train their employees when they start new branch. So, it is beneficial if they have already skill employees in their organization. (James, Roy Ron 2014) Avis has a skills employee team that helps to start new branch. Skill employees play a significant role in the organization due to caliber to handle it. Different organization requires different kinds of skill employees as per their technical work. So, if organization has different kinds of skill organization that would be beneficial for the organization growth and success. (James, Roy Ron 2014) Raw material: Avis should choose a site where they could collect raw material easily. It is a significant factor that influences the Avis decisions. It reduces the cost of the product that is necessary in the current competitive market. Because of, without low cost organization couldnt survive in the market. Low cost raw material availability is beneficial for the organization that helps to reduce the product cost in the market. It is necessary to survive in the current competitive market. The Avis management team successfully evaluates the raw material availability before start new location branch that is beneficial for the organization success. (James, Roy Ron 2014) Transport and infrastructure: Organization requires easy access to good railway and road links and new telecommunication services. Transportation should near from the new location branch of the Avis that reduce the cost of the customers. Team management should focus on transportation and infrastructure factor that affect direct or indirect the business. Further, transportation and infrastructure play main role in the organization. It helps to reduce cost and save time of the customers. Transport plays significant role in the Avis because it helps to reduce the cost of the product that is beneficial for the organization succeed. Avis has plans to start new branches to close its customer that is possible through transport convenient. If transportation is available. Then, it would be easy to achieve the organization objectives or goals. (Novick Mays 2005) Conclusion From the above analysis, it can be concluded that clear performance objective, tries to locate branches close to its customers and factor of the Aviss helps to expand business and improve the quality of its service. Avis objective is to address environmental during setting up and refurbishments new branches. Avis evaluates to reduce the carbon footprint of the business. It not only improves the customer, but also helps to reduce its costs of the business. It also makes it more convenient for customers to handle the Avis services. Avis most of branches are near to airport for convenient of the customers that make Avis more successful in the industry. Further, the location of the business plays a significant part of the organization that helps to achieve the organization objective or goals. Avis should watch decision regular for a survive in the market. It improves the efficiency and generate profit of the organization that is necessary for the organization growth and success. A locati on is a very significant part of the multinational organization that would help to raise the opportunity of the organization. The Avis management team helps to select the proper location to raise their branches in the country. 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